Comatose Lovers (SpeedyArms)

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My internet was out for like 90% of the day today, so I just got this out now. Hope you like it!!

Prompt: "Person A is caring for a despondent person B who is recovering from a traumatic event. Despite the love, tenderness, and the occasional joke A might crack, B never responds. Every night, person A kisses person B goodnight, and breaks down right outside the bedroom door."

I'm evil >:)


~*~Speedys POV~*~

I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair, before getting dressed and brushing my teeth. I moved down to the kitchen and made his favourite breakfast, setting it on the table, before going up to his room.

I knocked on the door softly. "Side? You awake yet bud?"

No answer. I sigh and open the door, seeing him curled up on his side, staring blankly at the wall.

I move over to him, flipping on the light, and pulling the blankets away. I begin to coax him from his spot, and sit him up, before pulling his pajamas off, and getting him dressed for the day. The others were coming over to visit, and I'm sure he would hate it if he was still in his ironman PJs when they arrived.

I got him dressed and down the stairs, setting him up in his chair at the head of the table when the doorbell rang.

I patted his shoulder, telling him I would be right back, before heading to the door to let the guys in.

Shadow came this time, and he smiled at me, before asking where Side was.

I gestured for them to follow me, leading them to the dining room, and sitting in the chair beside him.

I began to cut up his food, as he continued to stare blankly at the wall, trapped in his own mind.

I could hear Hova's quick gasp at Side's state, before all took seats either on the chairs or on each other.

G sat on Shadows lap, while the latter hugged him to his chest, and D4 plunked himself on D20, holding his hand tightly.

I finished cutting up Side's pancakes, and began to coax him into eating, bit after bit. He finished three pancakes today, which was good, as sometimes he didn't eat any. It's still nowhere close to his former appetite, but its something. I quickly ate my own breakfast, while engaging in small talk with the guys.

I took our plates and placed them in the sink to be washed later while Side 'watched' a movie. I led him and the guys to the living room, and set up Side with the new Avengers movie that he had already seen a few thousand times.

Joel pulled me over to the huddle of our friends to talk while Side was occupied.

"How is he Speedy? Any news?" Hova asked, his eyes begging for confirmation that his friend was getting better.

"Well he ate today, which is a good sign. But other than that, his state hasn't changed other than the fact that he's a little more cooperative with me in the mornings." I smiled weakly, "He let me get him dressed for the third time in a row this week, which is a new streak. Normally I can't get him past one."

D4 shut his eyes tightly, and G seemed about to cry. I offered no condolences, for there was nothing I could say. I has said it all already, and they had become empty words.

The guys spent a bit of time here, trying to interact with Side as best they could, before promising to return soon, and heading out the door.

I made us a lunch of grilled cheese with soup, and fed both him and me.

There were a few more movies that I played for him while I did some household chores, before it was time to get him ready for bed.

I brought him to the bathroom, and stripped him down, before shedding my own clothes. I couldn't leave him alone in the shower or he might try to drown himself again, even though I'm still not sure if that was on purpose or not.

I brought him under the water with me and began to wash his body and hair, before rinsing him off and shutting off the water.

I toweled him dry, and put him in a set of pajamas that were kept in the cabinet. I brought him to his room, and we watched a bit of the guys videos, before I started my daily ritual of asking him questions, and just talking to him before bed.

I spent a good hour there, asking questions that I knew would get no response, but that I asked anyway, because the doctors said that it might help.

I smiled as I got him under the covers, still chattering away, talking about anything and everything. I tucked him in, and kissed his forehead, wishing him sweet dreams, and a good rest.

I turned off the light as he curled into a ball, his back facing me, and his eyes staring blankly at the wall once more. I shut the door tightly, before leaning against it, and placing a hand over my mouth.

I let out a quiet sob, then another, and another, as I broke down outside his room for the four hundred and eighty-first time in a row.

My body shook slightly, as I made my way to my room, and another day off the calendar. Another day where he still wasn't better.

I sighed shakily, wishing once again that his parents were never killed, and that the love of my life was still here. But I turned off the light, and went to bed, knowing that another day of silence and blank stairs awaited me in the morning.

Now if only he didn't have nightmares...


This should be sad enough. I kinda like it, so I hope you do too.

Jason, out.

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