Oh No It's Love

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BEEP BEEP BEEP. Oh no another day of school. You

know what I'll just ditch. Well now what can I do during that time?

Ummmmmmm oh I know. I can go to that old broken abandoned

castle type building and look around! I'm really into that kind of

stuff. Well I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Shadow

but everyone calls me Shade and I have an older sister named Lightning.

Everyone calls her Light.

She is only one year older than me and she failed 2nd grade so we

have every class together. I'm 15 and she is obviously 16. We were

adopted. See it was really weird 16 years ago Lenn had appeared in

a basket in the front door of the abandoned castle. A couple had

adopted the child then a year later another child had appeared in a

basket on the front door of the castle (me). The doctors had

confirmed the two children were in fact sisters. So the same people

that had adopted Lenn (Abby and Dill) had adopted me too. Well

Ab- I mean mom and dad are always at work. We were lucky if they

came home just to sleep let alone talk to us. Last year Lenn had,

had enough and started to act out and ditching a lot and getting

really bad grades and cursing out the teachers and etc. BOOOOM!

What was that? I have to see what that was. So here I go down

stairs to investigate. It ended up being the new cook tripping and

falling on his ass. WOW I am so weak if only Lenn could see this I

wonder wear she is? "HA HA HA HA you fell on your ass HA HA

HA!" He scrambled up and looked at me ":Oh miss I am sooo sorry

please forgive me" he looked at me with pleading eyes. "He heI

wont tell my mother or my father if you make me so chocolate pie!"

I said. "Chocolate pie? I don't think I've heard of chocolate pie."


Breath in breath out, breath in breath out. "Well now you have so

get to work!" Who hasn't heard of chocolate pie seriously? "Right

I'll get right to work miss." That's more like it! "Good now if you

don't mind I'm going to some fresh air." "But miss don't you have

school to go to?" Urg what now? "Your not my mother you cant tell

me what to do!"

(Me) God he is so annoying.

(???) I know right.

(Me) Wait who are you?

(???) I'm you.

(Me) really wow I am going crazy.

(???) I'll say

(Me) Hey that isn't nice.

(???) Whatever.

"But miss if your pare-" "listen I'm going to do what ever the hell I

want to do when and where I want to do what ever it is I want to

do!" "Ummm ok miss." "Great now that we understand each other

see ya!"

(Me) Well here I go out of that damn house.

(???) What's so bad about the house what did it ever do to you?

(Me) Urg you again?

(???) Um ya I'm you remember?

(Me) Oh ya like I understand how that can be possible.

(???) Oh shut up... AHHHHHHH!

(Me) What???

(???) He's coming which means your mi- I mean our mind is going to

be very crowded.

(Me) What do you mean he?

(????) HAY what's up?

(Me) AHHHHHHH OMG there is another voice in my head!


(????) Are you done?

(Me) Yes... well I mine as well name you two. The girl's name will be

Alice (because she is my favorite character in twilight) and the boy's

name will be Renji (because he is my favorite character in bleach

even though Zarr is going to be mad at me for taking her guy.

Sorry :P)

"AHH uff"

(Renji) Oh hey watch out for that big rock right there.

(Me) Jee thanks. "Ouch"

(Alice) Gosh Renji you're so insensitive!

(Renji) WHAT! I am too sensitive Ali.

(Alice) It's Alice A-L-I-C-E!

(Me) WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP so I can get to the stupid building

without tripping on something else!

(Renji) HAHAHAHA ya that was funny.

(Alice) No it wasn't I'm sure it really hurt! Right Alex?

(Me) SHUT UP!!!!!

"We're here finally" "Who's we all I see is you and me and I'm pretty

sure you didn't see me" Huh "Lenn? What are you doing here?"

(Renji) Stalker!

(Alice) Shut up Renji... He he ok that was funny!

(Renji) YES score!!!!!

"I'm making sure you don't get in to too much trouble and I've

always wanted to explore this place."

(Renji) see I told you she's a stalker.

(Me) Renji this is the last time I am going to say this SHUT UP!!!

(Renji) Ok gosh.

"Um Alex are you ok you look really annoyed is it because of me. I

didn't mean to annoy you I just wanted to join you-" " No no it fine

really it was just uh never mind"

(Me) Crap I can't tell her she'll think I'm crazy!

(Renji) Maybe but that's ok considering you are.

(Alice) Hey that's not nice you saying she is crazy means that I am

crazy too, you big meanie!

(Renji)Hey I didn't say that and I am not a big meanie you're a big

meanie for saying that I'm a big meanie you big meanie!

(Me) OMG what are you guys babbling about now I am not telling

her and that's final!

(Renji) Fine be that way all mean like that. I don't care * sniff sniff *

(Alice) Aww Renji you're crying.

(Me) He is not that isn't even possible he is an annoying voice in my

head he's faking.

"Um ok sis what ever you say." "Hey wha-AHHHHHHHH" "Sis where


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