Caleo? More like CaleNO.

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NOTE: I wrote this when I was 14 and my English wasn't on it's best so there will be some grammar mistakes. I really can't bother to find and correct them all so just ignore them ok

Leo had been flying on his dragon, Festus, for days. When Festus started to lose height, Leo spotted land. He recognized the island. He was at Ogygia, where the love of his life waited for him. He'd only met her once, but he still cared about her more than anyone, even his friends. His friends, basically his family. They didn't even know he was alive, they thought he'd exploded with his good ''friend'' Gaea. He didn't offer them a thought as Festus landed on Ogygia, all he cared about was her, Calypso.

He knew the way through this woods, he remembered all the rocks he'd stepped on earlier that year. When the woods ended he knew he'd only have to walk for a few minuets , then he'd probably find her in the cave covered with diamonds. Holy Hephaestus, he missed her. All he wanted to do was see her face, but he was nervous. He didn't know why, he just felt like something was wrong.

As he saw the cave, he felt excited again. He started running, but after a few meters he stopped. He heard her laughter, at first he felt happy and was about to start running again. Then he started thinking, why would she laugh? She was trapped on this island, alone. He slowly walked as silently as he could, which was easy with his thin and light body. If she wasn't alone, he didn't want to be seen yet. Of course she's alone, he thought to himself. She loves me.

"You're so beautiful Calypso, I wish you'd understand that," Leo heard a man's voice say. His body froze, she defiantly wasn't alone.

"Stop saying that, I'll just fall for you and we both know you'll end up leaving me here all alone. Just like all the others did." Calypso said to this guy.

"That's where you're wrong; I won't leave you, ever." The man's voice said again.

"Are you sure?" Calypso asked happier.

"Yes I am." The guy answered her. Leo walked up behind them, they didn't notice him. Calypso jumped on top of the guy and kissed him. Then they both started to laugh. As the boy, probably around Leo's age, rolled Calypso over to the side, he turned his head and looked right at Leo. The guy had brown hair, blue eyes and he was double the size of Leo and ten times hotter.

"Who's this?" The boy asked her.

"What?" Calypso turned around smiling. The smile disappeared as soon as she saw Leo.

"Leo? What in the world are you doing here?" She started to yell.

"What are you talking about? I said I'd come back for you, I swore on the river Styx." Leo answered her confused.

"I was hoping you would break that promise and get punished. Just like you deserve for leaving me!" Calypso yelled angry.

"But, y-you love me," Leo tried to find the right words as the love of his life told him to basically go to hell.

"I thought I did, but I was wrong. I never loved you, this island had just made me crazy. Being alone for so long, made me desperate for someone to love me. Why would I ever love someone like you? You're short, rude and UGLY!" Calypso almost cried now.

"You need to go," the new guy said whilst taking a step towards Leo.

"Who even are you?" Leo was ready to fight this guy, only the fact that he could've killed Leo with one punch stopped him.

"I'm Isaac, Calypso's boyfriend." He stared at Leo like he was an annoying bug. Leo got nervous and tried to make a joke, but he couldn't. He was too sad and confused.

"I'll take care of him, Isaac." Calypso put her hand on Isaac's chest and lightly pushed him back again. She now looked straight at Leo. "You're coming with me." She pointed at him.

"Is that safe, Calypso?" Isaac asked whilst giving Leo the scariest look, Leo wanted to hide in a little coroner and cry for daddy.

"Have you seen this guy? He's weaker than a teddy bear." Calypso said in a bitter tone. Leo was highly offended, but suddenly he was more afraid of Calypso than Isaac. She had more powers, she could break his heart.

She dragged him down to the beach, when she threw him in the soft sand Leo's arm hurt. She sure had a strong grip.

"Explain! What are you doing here? Did you come just to embarrass me? To just leave and swear you'll come back but never do?" Calypso yelled.

"What? I came back! I just defeated Gaea, we won because of me!" Leo started to get angry.

"The war ended years ago you idiot!"

"What how many years ago?" Leo was shocked, what had he done?

"Aghh you make me go mad! I hate you! Do you hear that? I hate you!" Calypso slapped him hard, and then she ran away.

Leo's pulse started going faster, his body started sweating. Then he screamed as loud as he could. What had he done? He'd left his friends, they were probably dead by now. He'd been gone for so long? What no. She was lying, she wanted to see him have a meltdown. He felt warm, not from happiness, from the flames his whole body was covered in. He started seeing red. As he walked up the beach, headed towards the cave, he only had one goal. To kill then both, let them burn, let them suffer.

I have no idea what that was to be honest,I just made it for my friend who hates Leo and well the ship Caleo. If you like it then vote for it, and pleases comment your thoughts. I'm sorry it turend out bad, butI did write it at 3 am so yeah.

-Love Hookedonbook / Astrid

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