Chapter 5

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The ticks of the clocks go by slowly and Ben leans forward with the tip of his thumb in his mouth glaring at the clock and then stares down at his table again putting his head down on it as if he's going to sleep.


5 more minutes of nothing and the only thing to do in here is either watch Ben lean his head down close to the table or look at the fat squirrel in the tree by the window that looks like it's dying of diabetes.

"I'm so bored!" I whisper to Ben and he holds up two fingers and mouthes two minutes

"Stop talking" the teacher uses a stern voice and switches glances between us both before shaking it off and looking back down at his book

A bright smile comes across Bens face and he jumps up out of his chair laughing "Oh fuck yes son! Time's up, I'm leaving"

The teacher ignores him as he leaves the detention class pulling me out with him by my hand making me trip over a chair and almost fall over giggling as we run through the corridor and pushes the front door and just as I try to run for the school gate but he pulls me back and pulls me to the ground, leaning against the brick wall beside the front door looking in from around the corner.

"What did you draw before?"

He passes over a piece of paper with just scribbles and I scrunch it up and throw it next to me in the bin

"Alright" he turns to me "do you want to do something fun?"

"...Okay!" I gaze into his eyes

"It's something bad though" he leans in closer to me as if he's about to kiss me, my heart rate quickens not really sure what to do because I've never been in a situation like this before.

"Like what?" I whisper and lean in closer to him too

"Alright what we're going to do is" he leans back again and checks the door and continues talking about something but I blank out his voice just thinking about he basically just teased me with a kiss.

What a-

"Okay I can hear him, you ready?" he smiles

"Uh, yeah sure"

"Okay shut up!" he covers my mouth and pushes me against the wall hiding from someone at the front door, I can hear little buttons being pressed like some form of a pin number and foot steps walking away into a car that speeds off out of the school.

A smirk comes across his face as he then gets up and cockily walks over to the front door and starts to enter the pin, what if he gets it wrong and it triggers an alarm? What if he gets it right? Will we be trespassing?

My thoughts get cut across when I hear a tiny click and the door pop open a bit and Ben smiles "holy shit I'm a hacker"

He pulls open the door and I hold onto his hand because I just don't want to do this.

"I'm scared Ben"

"Don't worry about it"  he pulls me inside and closes the door turning on the corridor lights, walking down them and tapping lockers as he walks by them looking around as if he's thinking what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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