11 - Bridges burned

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11. Seth

I hope you're proud.

Who does she think she is? My mother? Jesus, not even my mother talks to me like that.

I fall back onto my bed and heave a sigh. How can this person turn my whole life around in the matter of a week? A freaking week! This is insane. My life has been more eventful/messed up in the last week than ever! Ok, that might be an exaggeration but this is no good... I won't let this girl walk all over me. She thinks, she's all that, pointing her finger at others and always trying to 'fix' everything. 

Don't fix what isn't broken, is what I say.

"I don't like her," Paulina pouts as she throws herself on top of me. "I don't like her if you don't like her."

"Don't say stupid stuff like that, Poppy." I snap.

"I'm not stupid!"

"Then don't say stupid stuff." She huffs and gets off my bed, crossing her chubby arms in front of her chest. Her bottom lip pops out in a quiver and her forehead creases slightly, "Don't cry! I'm sorry. Ugh..."

This is all Arya's fault! She should have never come here in the first place and now this is what I've got. Poppy doesn't do well with strangers... especially my friends.

She's the main reason why I don't bring them here anymore. The only friend Poppy can deal with is Brice. Whenever I try to bring others over, my little devil of a baby sister either throws a fit or chucks my mothers beloved China at them.

My head pounds terribly so I twist around to grab one of the pain killers, placed neatly in a box on my nightstand. I pop it into my mouth and swallow it with a sip of water.

Poppy frowns, "You feel bad still?"

"Hmm..." I rub my hand across my face and pat the space next to me on my bed.

Paulina hesitates for a second but jumps onto my bed, sitting next to me. She scrambles to her knees and wraps her arms around my neck. I can't suppress a smile and start rubbing her back.

"Look, all of this is grown-up business and I need you to just forget about it, ok? This girl, Arya, she puts her nose into peoples business even though it has nothing to do with her. She is annoying-" Before I can continue my rant, Paulina pulls away to furrow her brow at me.

"And she cusses."

"That she does! Just... forget this ever happened, ok? And not a word about this to anyone!"

"Yessir," she salutes, holding her chubby hand to her forehead and giggles. "What were we talking about again?" She taps her chin with her index finger.

"I need you to forget about-" I start again, about to explain the whole thing once more when Paulina bursts into a fit of giggles.

"I was acting like I forgot, silly!" Poppy laughs and like a flash, she is out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

I admit, I feel a bit guilty for making Arya look bad in front of Paulina. Not for Arya's sake of course but because Paulina already has problems trusting people in general. But since I'm not planning on bringing Arya back here it doesn't really matter.

None of this matters. 

As soon as Monday comes around, everything will be back to normal. I will go to school and I will be the old Seth. The Seth that everybody knows. The Seth that has got me this far. 

There is no way I'm letting this girl mess with me anymore. She's done enough. If anything, this has motivated me even more to show her how things work around here. She doesn't seem to quite get it yet. On Monday, she won't have her cousin, watching out for her. 

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