Chapter 29

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I stared at Kay, he was snuggled into my chest looking as innocent as a baby, except he was covered head to toe in blood. His small smile made my heart stutter, his smile even in his sleep had been absent for 2 weeks. I shifted my eyes to my dead father, it was kind of sad.
I had wanted him to be my 20th kill.
I settled for him being murdered by my lover instead. I kissed Kay's cheek, on one of the areas where my fathers blood wasn't spattered. I stood taking him with me. If the past has proven anything when he's like that he hardly remembers anything. I headed up to the living room, then went to the bathroom.
I sat on the floor of the shower cradling Kay as I let the water run over us. His eyes opened slightly as the water splashed onto our skin. They seemed flutter a moment before shutting. I hoped he didn't remember killing him, that wasn't who he was and killing people can take a toll. It can take a piece of your soul you can never get back. I stared at his face, beautiful even in sleep. Made ugly with my fathers disgusting blood. I took a washcloth and scrubbed the blood away, like I had done for myself so many times.
After I was finished I picked him up and went into our room, I pulled off the only clothes he had on and dried him off. I picked him up and placed him on my bed. I kissed his forehead, grabbed a pair of his boxer briefs, slipping them onto his pale legs. After making him somewhat decent I crawled where I was hovering over him, I placed my forehead to his.
I'd give anything to know what he's thinking right now.
I started to pull away when I heard a small whimper.
"Ray?" He squeaked out in a small voice. He wasn't awake but his eyes twitched under his eyelids. I went to move away again, in case he woke up and was still angry, when I was pulled back down into a crushing hug. "Don't leave yet Ray." He whispered clinging tightly to me. I hugged him back cuddling with him for a long time, this was the first time he has touched me voluntarily in two weeks. After a bit I unhappily wiggled out of his grasp. I still had to get rid of the trash. I pulled my father out into the woods before walking home. Once I got home I opened the door seeing my mom stare at me with a terrified expression before running forward.
"Ray are you ok? I saw him take off after you I thought..." I shook my head.
"Nothing's wrong he beat me a little bit then headed to the bar. Speaking of that he's commanded me to bring him his stupid 4 wheeled hunk of garbage. Says he's too tired to walk home." I rolled my eyes. She handed me his car keys. "Also he said he got in a fight, he says he got stabbed in the back didn't tell me much else." She shook her head at how often that happened but told me to hurry and get him. I walked out and silently laughed at how oblivious that bitch was. I drove the car into the woods and put my dad into the drivers seat. I sat next to him and drove from the passengers seat driving us into a pole near our house being sure to hit my head when we crashed. I undid my buckle checking both ways for witnesses before grabbing my fathers head and crashed it through the windshield before impaling his neck on a large shard of glass. I then proceeded to pretend to pass out.
I heard a scream from my mother and I opened my eyes slowly to see her running forward calling the police. I heard her terrified ranting to the police before running forward and pulling me out of the car and into her lap.
After the longest time possible I was finally released. I walked to my second home, I walked in and cried out as something rammed against me. I looked down and saw Kay sobbing into my chest. Alarmed I quickly got him into a hug.
"What's wrong? What's wrong Kay?" I asked softly stroking his hair.
"I thought you left," he sobbed loudly. "I thought you hated me, I thought I was alone again." He whimpered. I brought his hand to my chest.
"I'm here, I'm here Kay." He looked up tears leaking down his cheeks.
"Ray I love you I was lying I love you." He said holding me tight. I chuckled kissing him. We parted and I smirked.
"Good if you weren't lying I'd have to keep you in my closet." Kay's face wore a horrified expression.
"Thank gosh I do love you I don't like closets, I get claustrophobic." I kissed him again. I missed his lips, I missed him. The kisses got more heated and I pulled Kay up to our room. "Show me in not alone."

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