It was Winter. The show fakes were dancing along with the wind and then gently falling on the ground.The sky was all white,covered in fluffy looking clouds. It was simply the perfect Winter evening. [Name] was sitting in her garden,looking up at the sky. A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned down on the table. To her,it was just another boring and lonley night. Pushing some strings of her [hair color] hair off her face, she stood up and started walking around the garden. Looking for someking of an adventure,the female climbed onto the large wall and then jumped down. Her parents never let her go outside her house nor garden,but this night,she broke that rule and continued walking even further.
Soon,[Name] found herself wondering through the near by forest. This was the first time thhat she came to such a place. It was a rather fun and new experience. The snow continued falling down,but she didn't mind it.Actually,she really liked the snow...Just because of one reason...;
When she was little,her mother used to tell her stories about a guy,his name was Jack,Jack Frost. He had the whitest skin,the lightest eyes and the most charming smile. Since [Name] was little she fell in love with that man,even though she hadn't even seen him nor met him. He lived in her imaginations...Her dream was to see him,to feel his cold touch.
Even though everyone thought that he was nothing but a fairy tale,she still continued to hoped that he is somewhere out there...Dancing along with the snow.
-"Jack..?"-[Name] muttered,looking around as she continued to walk slowly. She thought that she was alone in the forest.
Her gentle voice echoed through the forest...It was just so quiet. But there was someone that heard her call...His light blue eyes widened,jumping off the tree that he was sitting on,he headed to the feamle.
Oh how happy he was to see that someone else cares and believes in him.
-"Maybe she'll see me! Maybe she really believes!"-he said to himself in his mind and smiled even wider,now walking even faster. After he noticed the young girl,he stopped.
[Name] looked divine,it was like nothing else that he had seen. She was...different.
Just when he was about to place his hand on top of her shoulder,she turned back at him. That was only because she felt a cold breeze stroking her neck and shoulder. The [Hair color]d girl shivered and wrapped her own arms around herself,wanting to make herself even more comfortable and to warm herself up.
Jack gasped.-"W-What?! She didn't saw me? B-But how?...Or maybe she just didn't noticed me!"-He said and then walked right infront of the other. But she still couln't see him.I guess she didn't believed enough to realize that he was actually real and standing right in front of her. But instead, she just walked through him.
He blinked. The big smile that was on his face was no longer there...This really broke his heart. How can this happen? He wanted to somehow make her believe him.So he decided to try and do so.
The silver headed male took out a red rose from his pocket,it was his lucky charm. But now he was ready to give it away,just so [Name] would see he was here. With a frown,he left the rose on the snow,right in front of her. Seeing that suddenly a rose appeared,she stopped walking.
-"W-Wha.."-[Name] murmured surprised,placing the both of her warm gloved hands on her red cheeks.-"How beautiful..~"-After some moments she managed to speak.
The girl slowly walked to the rose and kneeled taking it in her hands.The rose felt so cold...It was frozen,slowly turning blue. Not wanting to let it freez she placed it to her chest,warming it up.
It's old color started coming back.Even making it prettier. Though it was a small rose it's smell was all over the forest. It smelled like..a dream.
Seeing that the rose didn't helped her to understand that someone else was here wit her,he wrote 'Jack' on it with small letters of frost. This time,she did noticed it. Her heart started beating faster and her adranaline rushed through her whole body. Could this be it? Is he really real? Those were the questions that kept bothering her. -"J-Jack?"-she yelled and finally,[Name] could see him
-"Jack..? Is that really you? "-he managed to say,placing the both of her hands on his face.She didn't noticed that she dropped the rose. A big grin appeared across his pale lips,hugging her tightly. Finally, her dear came true.
-"I knew that you believed.."-he whispered in her ear,still hugging her tightly and keeping her close to his body. Instead of feeling cold because she was hugging him,she felt warm.Maybe that was just because this was the first time that something that she really wanted came true. He was her first love.
-" I do! I really do!"-She yelled as he pulled away.
-"But you couldn't notice me all this time..If it wasn't for that wild rose you wouldn't even know that i'm here..I would just be a fairy tale."
Hearing tose words make [Name] really sad,little sparkly tears could be seen in her eyes. She felt sorry for him,but in the same time,she felt guilty that her love wasn't big enough to believe that he lives.
-"Shhh..Don't cry,everything will be okay,i promise,as long as you keep believing i'll be here,right next to you..And if you stop believing,i'll still be here for you,you just won't notice."-Jack pulled away from the hug and with his slender white fingers he wipped her tears.
[Name] couldn't say anything,she just nodded her head and forced a smile on her face.
After few minutes,she widened her smile and spoke:
-"I promise..I will always believe in you,no matter how old i am or what happens.."
That was what he was waiting to hear. When he noticed that the wild rose was now on the ground,freezing,he picked it up and placed it in her hair.
-"If something happens,remember me by this..Okay?"-He stroked her cheek gently,moving his face closer to hers.
[Name] didn't replied,she just closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. The both of them pressed their lips together and stayed like that for a bit.