Chapter 18- feelings

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A/N: do you think drinking can solve your problems? .

Your PoV

Why I didn't see Camila and Shawn I think they go home early I'm now at my way back to the house cause I already take Andrea back home I'm happy cause she said she enjoyed the night and I'm happy cause we're still friends after she tell me her feelings now what I just I need is tell my feelings for Camila but how would I do that I'm so shy when she's around.

While I was driving my phone was ringing I stop the car to the side of the road and answer my phone. Hmm why is Lauren calling me this night.

I answered it.......

Me: hello

Lauren: oh my thank god you answer it!!

Me: yeah what happened are you okay.

Lauren: how could I be okay Camila isn't home yet.

Me: what but Shawn and her exit the carnival together

Lauren: your there too?

Me: yeah

Lauren: Y/N were so worried about her please find her! Y/N

Me: shhh don't worry I will gonna find her, I will call you when I found her okay

Lauren: okay please don't let her hurt.

Me: I will.

I hung the phone and quickly get inside the car. Oh my god how  would able to find her , I U turn my car and drive to Shawn's house.


I stopped at Shawn's house and get out of the car, I knock on his gate when it open Shawn stared at me confused "uhm why your here? " he asked "where is Camila? " I asked "oh she said she's gonna go somewhere" somewhere where is that somewhere?  " I thought you take her home?" he shook his head "no she said she's just riding a cab and going somewhere why?" I look at him seriously he didn't know why "because she's not home yet" I said whit a worked voice "come inside first" he said as I step inside his house "please take a seat while I was thinking about a place she always used to be" I nod and take a seat on his couch.

"Y/N?" Shawn suddenly call "what? " I asked "do you know? " wait do I know what he's making me confused "know what? " I asked again "do you know that she likes you? " my eyes widen at him Camila?  Like me?  "she camila cabello like me? " I said unbelievably "yeah, she told me when we were at the carnival" oh my goodness I can't believe it is he serious right now "how are you sure? " he walk towards me and sear besides me "when we walk in she saw you and that girl and I knew the way she looks at you and that girl I know that
She was jealous plus when we ride the Ferris wheel she can't take her eyes off of you, and when we decided to grab some foods she said she need some important things to do and after that I didn't know where she go" I gave him a look before he spoke again "wait she once bring me to a club that she said she's throwing her problems and it's the nearest club here so she might be there" "wait why do you think she's going on a club? " I asked "she throws her problems there like family problems rejection heart broken and something like that she's drinking like there's no tomorrow but I wish when she was there she's not that kind of so drunk" I nod and quickly stand up "thanks Shawn" I said as he nod "please bring her safe" I nod and make my way trough the car,

I started to drive at the nearest club here, wait for me Camila...


Camila's PoV

"o-o-ne m-m-or-e d-ri-nk" I slurred to the waiter I'm gonna get myself so drunk I will  forget about you Y/N I promise. "but ms. Your so drunk" the waiter said "I d-o-nt f-uc-k-ing c-c-are gi-ve m-m-e more" the waiter sigh but give me one more glass.

I felt tears running down my face I can't, I can't forget about her I can't even forget her laugh her smile I can't forget everything about her.

I suddenly feel a tap in my shoulder I turn to see a cute oh what I mean looks like a fuckboy
"hey Ms. Wanna dance? " he asked, "no thanks leave me alone"i said to him but he never leave.

"come on Ms. " he said now his hands are on my thighs what the fuck?

"get your dirty hands off me " I said as he smirked while his hands travel more on my tights

"hey you fuckboy did the girl said get your hands off?" some familiar voice said we both turn to see, oh my fucking god I'm so drunk that I'm seeing Y/N standing in front of me. "and who are you?" the fuckboy asked "I'm her girlfriend" my eyes widen at her words I really don't know if this is Y/an or I'm just hallucinating "fucking lesbians" the boy said making me stand up and just punched him in the face I don't know why I did that.

I'm about to punch him again but Y/N stop me "come on Camila let's go home" Y/N said while pulling me to her.

We both exit the night club and head to her car "i-i-m s-o-rr-y" I slurred "you don't need to be sorry Camila it's just don't know why you have to do this" she look at me in the eyes " I-i u-h i-" I was about to say something but she cut me off "I'm the one who should be sorry" she said making me confused "w-h-at w-why? " I asked still slurring "I'm so dumb" she said "I thought it's just a simple crush but it became bigger and I'm afraid to tell cause I don't know if she'll feel the same" is she talking about me no probably not . "Camila?" she call "y-e-ah?" I asked that's when I felt my eyes being heavy I'm so sleepy "I like you" I didn't hear anything cause I just fell asleep......."I have feelings for you" I mumbled against my breath.

A/N: hi I know this chapter sucks sorry my mind is absent. But please vote.

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