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The mere mention of the words ghost, witch , demon , giant etc creates lot of curiosity and fascination in anyone, be it young or old. The belief of existence of such beings is definitely an ancient one as in today's era of science and enlightenment we do not believe in such theories.

But whether we believe in them or not , we all definitely relish the tales about them. Our mythology, be it Greek, Egyptian, Hindu or any other is full of fascinating beings and unconvincing phenomenon.

In the following chapters I am going to trace out many such mind blowing events since ancient times till date and some stories of personal experiences told to me by people in my contact. Who knows they may change your beliefs regarding the supernatural and enigmatic.

The stories I've presented here maybe mythology or history to some, religious sentiments to others ( I maybe one of them), or just a Supernatural or paranormal activity to some others. Searching for the right genre for this book actually left me in delimma and I literally scanned through different genres twice to find the right one for it. At last I decided to allot it to paranormal category thinking the appreciations and interest in the book by the readers is all that matters . One more aspect of this book is that it highlights the beliefs of people from all over the world. So they may themselves think to which category it belongs. Thanks.

I would highly appreciate if I get votes as it would mean that you all wish to read further and like my work .
1.Lord Narsimha
2.Stone Age Occult
3.The magic word Abracadabra
4.Divine Royals And A Friendly
Ghost: Birth Of A Clan
5.Unakoti: Rock Cut Sculpture And
One Less Than Crore Sleeping Gods
6. Ruins Of Bhangarh Fort: Curse Of A Wizard
7.Survivors Of Atlantis: Puzzles Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza
8.Floating Stones Of Ram Setu : History or myth
9.The mysterious Pythagoras

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