Gifts of Healing

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The gifts of healings release the restorative power of God through the Holy Spirit into the world. There are many types of healings, these are "gifts" and not a single gift. Believers enjoy different rates of success with specific problems. For example one believer may be gifted when praying for people with back pains, a high percentage of people with back pains he prays for may get healed while another may be gifted when it comes to curing the blind or people suffering from arthritis.

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.-Matthew 9:35

The healing itself comes from God, you are only a channel through which this healing flows to the afflicted person. You will not be able to heal all the people all the time with this gifting. The Holy Spirit will show you exactly whom to pray for and what to pray, it is important to be able to flow with the Holy Spirit to effectively use this Gift.
At times the diseases may be demonically empowered, it is then crucial that you use discernment and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit so that you know exactly what to pray.


Jesus was a person who operated powerfully in this Gift of the Spirit. Once he was passing through a pool at a place called Bethesda. There was a legend that once in a while an angel would visit this pool and stir up the waters. It was believed that whoever reached the pool first at that time would be healed. There were a multitude of people who suffered from all kinds of diseases like impotency, leprosy, invalids, people who were cripples, blind people etc. to name a few who were waiting eagerly at the lake to be healed.
As Jesus passed by he saw an crippled man who was lying by the pool for 38 years. He could not even get up to reach the lake on time yet he waited around in desperation hoping that one day he will be healed.Jesus knew this man was here for a long time, he asked this one man among the multitude "Do you want to be healed?". The man answered that although he wanted to be healed, he could not reach the pool as other people used to walk over him and he could never make it to the pool on time.
He did not recognize that the master healer was speaking to him neither did he have faith as shown by some of the other people who Jesus had healed. In spite of this, Jesus was moved by compassion and healed the man. Orthodox Jews took offence as it was a Sabbath and you were not allowed to do work on a Sabbath.
The point to note here is that Jesus did not care what others will think or say, he was moved by the Holy Spirit and He did exactly as He was led.
Also there were at least hundreds of other people who were waiting there by the pool for a healing but He picked this one man from the masses and healed him. In our lives when we see so many people with various illnesses it is our tendency to want to heal them all, especially someone known to us. The Holy Spirit however may not operate with the same thinking, it is important to fully follow his prompting when exercising this gift and not what you want.


*Remember God is the Healer, you are only the channel, your intercession along with the move of the Holy Spirit produces the healings
*Teach the people who are healed how to retain their healing by faith and not let satan steal it from them.

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