03 | ballón

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the quality of lightness

"You're late," Rosen deadpanned as I walked in the studio, a bag slung over my shoulder and my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head. The facial expression on Rosen's face showed that he was clearly super annoyed with me. It's not my fault though, my Mom forced me to clean up the clothes in my room before I left and it took a bit longer than I anticipated.

"Sorry, I had to –"

"I don't care," was his response before I got to defend myself.

My eyes flickered over to Sven, who was sitting by the mirrors, scrolling on his phone and occasionally laughing at something. Rosen had on a pair of grey sweatpants along with a white T-shirt and some sneakers. His hair was in a messy mop on the top of his head and he had on a pair of circle glasses. Looks like he has terrible vision just like me.

"Hey, Def Leppard chick," Sven greeted me as he looked up from him phone.

I let out an awkward chuckle, "Hey."

Placing my sports bag next to Rosen's I stare around in the studio for a few seconds. It looked like a typical dance studio, there were a ton of mirrors lined up on one wall and there was a music station in the corner, along with a piano that was most likely used during ballet classes.

Rosen grabbed his phone from his bag, flicking through the range of songs on his phone. He tapped on one and the familiar tune of Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing in a second.

"You're going to help me finish my contemporary choreography," Rosen explained. "It's a really romantic and slow song so if you're not comfortable with that then I can find something else."

"No, it's fine," I replied. No matter how romantic the dance might turn out to be, it's just dancing. Nothing else will happen anyway as it's super clear from Rosen's body language that he isn't interested in me at all. It seems as if he wants to keep away from me, like he's holding himself back from feeling anything in case he gets hurt. That right there is a sign that something terrible has happened to him before and now he doesn't want to get attached to anyone because in the end, they will be gone as well. That's exactly what happened to me when my father died, I pulled myself away from everyone and avoided feelings.

"Alright, I'll show you what I've got so far and then we can figure out the rest."

Rosen's moves to the song were graceful and beautiful. The passion for dancing was visible in his eyes and you could feel in through his dancing. His movement was precise and polished, like he has been practicing all of the moves for weeks. The dance itself wasn't crazy hard; it was just raw and beautiful as if he let all of his emotions out on the dance floor. When he finished, Sven clapped for him.

I was left speechless, "That was beautiful."

Rosen scratched the back of his head, "It's nothing that great, just something I've been working on."

"I think it's really beautiful and you're an amazing dancer."

The right side of his mouth tugged up into a little smile, "Thanks."

For the next hour and a half Rosen taught me all of the moves that he had so far. It took me a couple of tries to get all the moves right but in the end I managed to pull through and figured out everything. Rosen even told me that I'm a good dancer, which made me really happy. It's not every day that you get a compliment for your dancing.

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