The beauty and the beast

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HI! Uhm... There are only two chapters left after this one so.... Yeah... Hope you enjoy this one! Also, this one may be a bit short as I didn't have many ideas for this one... So yeah. On with it!

Jellal's POV
"W-what? Were you watching the whole thing?" Lucy, Natsu (who was carrying her), Mirajane and Rin had finally released us.
"Well, yes and no..."
"Well? Which is it? And, more importantly, DO YOU HAVE CAKE?"
"Unfortunately, due to technical errors, three of the cameras donked out on us so we didn't get to see it from every angle but we did get most of it in. And yes. We have cake."
Erza's POV
Mirajane's POV
~fantabulous timeskip brought to you by.... Uh.... Cake!~
"Ok! So, the reason that you're gathered here today is because I need to ask you a few questions." I had gathered Jerza, Gruvia, Rowen, Rin, Lisanna and Happy. Together, we were gonna vote who we'll cannon next and then make a plot to make the event occur. "Rin, can you explain?"
"Yup! We're here because we're gonna vote who we'll cannon next. Afterwards, we'll bring the other ship here so we can come up with a scheme to send sparks flying much like we did with you guys." Rin explained. Perfect! She knew exactly what I was thinking.
"Well, that was kinda obvious to be perfectly honest...."
"Good for you!"
"Also, since when did we answer to YOU!?"
"Since now!"
"And why?"
I used takeover magic. Satan's soul. Perfect for intimidation.
"O-oh yeah... That's why...."
Works like a charm!
"Whatever. Now time to vote: Gale or Nalu?"
Lucy's POV
"So then Yato jumped in and saved Hiyori even though she oops spoilers and then some stuff happened and then Yukine was all like-"
"R-Rin? Mira?"
"Come! We believe that we've found a way to cure you ever since that thing happened while Jerza was cannoning," Mira began, "so now Natsu doesn't have to carry you around everywhere!" For some reason, a small wave of melancholy swept over me. But why? Was I sad that I didn't have to be with Natsu the whole time? N-no... That can't be right!..... Can it? "Let's go home!" Oshiete oshiete yo.... "Wait, why did I say home? OSHIETE OSHIETE YO probably a random thing a picked up from watching too much Tokyo Ghoul..... Oh whale!"
After we got out of earshot from Levy who was sitting there blabbing to herself about Noragami, Mira told the truth. "I don't know how to fix your legs, but I do know who's gonna cannon next!" Oh great. "Take a guess!"
"Gale." I answered. Duh! Who else would it be? Apart from us two, who else was there left.
"Wow! You're very good at guessing!" IS EVERYONE THIS DENSE OR AM I JUST IMAGINING THINGS!?
Rin's POV
Within minuets, everything had been set up. Finally, we found a wheel chair but we only agreed to let Lucy use it if she led Levy to the librarby. Yes, the librarby. The library had already exploded so we made a new one which we called librarby for who knows what reason. Again, everyone was in place. Natsu, Erza and Gray were hiding behind one of many bookshelves, ready to launch the operation.
"-then they discovered that Yato actually went by a different name and-"
"Levy. I brought you to the librarby. Go read Noragami." Lucy intercepted her sentence.
"YAS!!!" But Levy didn't seem to care. Soon enough, Gajeel would enter and the dominos would begin. If he screws up, Levy could die. Let's hope that he comes in time!
Gajeel's POV
"-so now you have to hurry and save her!" Lisanna told me.
"Thanks, weirdo. I'm on my way, shrimp!" I sound like an anime protagonist.... Ew....
Mirajane's POV
"LEVY! WATCH OUT!" I heard Gajeel yell. That was the queue! As these words left his mouth, Gray, Natsu and Erza quashed with all their might. The dominos had begun. Gajeel had to race against time to save Levy and tell her that he loved her. But the question remained. Could he make it in time? And would he tell her? "LISTEN UP SHRIMP, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!" I heard his gravelly voice roar. "IF I DON'T GET TO YOU IN TIME, I HAVE TO TELL YOU... WHEN I FOUND YOU WHILE YOU CREEPS WERE STALKING GRAY AND JUVIA, I WAS GONNA TELL YA THAT.... I LOVE YOU, YA WEIRDO!!!" AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA YAS YAS YAS OTP WHOOOOOOO!!!!
Levy's POV
"GAJEEL!" Did he really just say that? Why? What's happening. Then, I saw. Each bookshelf was colliding into the next. Dominos. Probably the doing of Mirajane's army. Since when did everyone answer to her anyway? Who cares. More importantly, THE SHELVES KEPT FALLING!!! "P-PLEASE! SAVE ME!"
But it was too late.
Or so I thought.
What I thought was a book case was just a giant mattress which was painted extremely realistically. Weird...
"Shrimp! You all r- wot. The. HELL!?"
Gajeel's POV
"All of that, just for it to be a fake? WHAT THE HELL!?"
A distant voice answered.
"That was me! While nobody was looking, I got Taurus to replace the shelf with a mattress."
"Uhm... Good for you. Return!"
"But why?"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY? She's my best friend! Why wouldn't I battle against the odds of her dying for a stupid ship?"
Levy's POV
"S-so... Uh....." I began.
"About what I said. Yes, I did mean it." Swiftly, he drew me closer. "I meant every word."
It looks like it's become a thing now. Kissing your love when you confess regardless of what had just happened. Honestly, I think it's kinda cute but also kinda weird. How come all of her ships followed this pattern of rusk, talk, smooch? We'll never know for we are not the author.
Lucy's POV
Even though that involved a huge risk, I'm glad that everything worked out. I was even able to walk again! Apparently, I had what Rin calls plot point -itus. It's when the 'author' wants something interesting a relevant to the plot to happen but, honestly, I think it was barely relevant. Maybe the 'author' just wanted some Nalu.
Mirajane's POV
Now, only one ship remains. Nalu.

Hey! Just so you know, I wrote this before finishing the chapter to say that I'm exhausted and that I may die before this gets finished. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
Yay! I don't think I slipped up too bad because of my tiredness.... Eh! Anyway, nearly done! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading! Ily all so much! See you next time.

The she devil's ships - Fairy Tail - Nalu Gale Jerza Rowen GruviaWhere stories live. Discover now