Surprises- Harry

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You tried to close your eyes again, trying to sleep. The bed seemed so big, without Harry around. He's currently in Brooklyn in his tour. And spending the last few months without him is just pain. You tossed and turned again and again, but you can't just seem to sleep. You sat up, sighing as a strand of your hair flips with your sigh. You looked at the room illuminated by the two lamps beside your bed. No sound but the air conditioner's whirring echoed in the room. Just you and the lamps. And your dog, Skittles the Cat (lol), who can't sleep too. You smiled and slowly pet her.

"I know Skittles, I miss him too..." you sighed as she meowed.

You rested your head on the pillow again, a burst of sleepiness suddenly creeping all over you. You shut your eyes-


You shot up, seeing your phone's light going on and off as your ringtone rang. You groaned, well, because you were finally sleepy, and this happened. You reached for the phone, not moving your body but your arm. You finally got it and sighed. You looked at the locked screen, and saw Louis' picture. You scrunched your eyes, curious on why'd he call at this time in London.

"Hello?" you asked, groggily.
"Hey Sydney. Sorry to wake you up." Louis apologizes.
You just groaned in tiredness.
"Why 12:00 p.m.?"
"It's 5:00 p.m. here. We're in Brooklyn, remember?"
You yawned for a second, and  continued listening to him.

"You have to go here, ASAP." he states, sounding concerned.
"Whyyy?" you mumbled.
"Harry really misses you, and it's his birthday today. Plus, we already booked you a flight. Please, we need you, NOW!"
" now?"
"Alright...I'm coming, but I'll be there by 8:00. Don't tell Harry."
"Won't. NOW GO!"

You instantly jumped off the bed, and grabbed your suitcase as fast as you can. You started shoving clothes in, not caring what you chose. You fixed yourself up, did final arrangements, and petted Skittles. You phoned your bestfriend Jane who agreed to watch Skittles while you're gone.

"Be good Skittles. Momma's coming back with Papa soon." you smiled as you pet her.

You quickly ran downstairs, jacket dangling from your arm, with the suitcase on the left hand. Jane was already there. You gave her the keys, and you zoomed off.


"Harry, stop crying now. No one cries on their birthday." Liam comforts Harry.
Harry continued crying.

He couldn't stop thinking about his previous birthday with you. Laughing along with the boys and your friends as you share funny jokes and stories. He remembered you popping a balloon that scared him half to death and landing on his cake, therefore causing a cake war. And he remembered that moment after he blew the candles. You kissed him out of nowhere, surprising him. Niall even got a picture of it. He misses you so bad, that it hurts.

"I-I really m-miss Sydney. Her beautiful smile, her l-luscious lips, e-everything about her..." he sobs.

You heard every word he said, which made your heart sink. You got your phone and texted Louis that you were right outside the room. Louis widened his eyes and smiled at Harry.

"W-what are you smiling a-about Louis?" he asks, eyes puffed up and red.
"I have a present for you!" he beams.
"Lou, not now..." Liam says.

Louis slowly goes for the door, as the rest looked at him weirdly. As he grabs the door knob, he swung it wide open, revealing you smiling widely at Harry. Your arms extended, wanting to hug him. Seeing him like this made one tear drop from your eye. He gasps happily, as you ran towards him. He spins you around, making you laugh.

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