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"Dad, I'm almost 18! You can't keep treating me like a child!" I screamed in my father's face.

"You live under my roof with my rules young lady. You are expected to oblige as long as you're under my custody. And those rules don't justify you staying out until midnight with those skanks you call friends," he remarked hastily.

Um excuse me? "It was on a weekend for a movie premier! And those people are my friends, who treat me better than you ever have. " He rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"You think the whole world is full of sunshine and rainbows? News flash sweetie pie, most people won't give a damn when they hurt you or break you down into tiny little pieces ."

"Just because you've encountered some pretty messed up people in your life doesn't mean everyone's the same. And that doesn't give you a reason to treat me like shit."

"How dare you? I provide you with a house over your head and food in your stomach every f*cking night. You think I enjoy beating myself up at work everyday, only to come home to a bratty teenage daughter who doesn't appreciate anything?"

"You're delusional, dad. If you call the pub your home then sure, I'd agree because the only time I see you here is when your stumbling around wasted or passed out on the couch. "

The moment the words tumbled out of my mouth I felt instant regret but it was too late to take it back; he already had the vase in his hands. I dropped to the ground with just enough time to and clasp my palms around my neck before the eruption of sound filled my ear drums. It shattered against the wall behind me, but I still felt the pain from a few shards digging into my skin.

"F*ck you Skylar. If you think you've got it so bad here, then go! Nothing's stopping you. It would be a relief to get some peace and quiet around here for once."

I felt blood trickle down the back of my calves as I started to quiver with fear.

"Fine, I will. I don't need you or anyone else to take care of me. Hell, ever since Mom left I've been practically raising myself anyway. "

I sprinted out of the living room and into mine, slamming the few belongings of value into the first bag I can find and taking off towards the door.

At the last second I remember where I placed my dad's keys- on the table next to him.

Damn.  I guess I won't be taking his car after all, I thought. I didn't give him a second glance as I slid past him and to the door.

Once outside, I started towards the nearest bus station, sure I'd be waiting until morning to catch one.

I saw him walk out the door after me, his dead eyes following my every move while giving a placid smirk.

He doesn't think I'll actually go through with it, I thought. Watch me bitch.

"Sky!" I ignored my name, not even Considering  the slight possibility that he actually cared enough to stop me.

A few blocks from my house I realized how late it was, and automatically glanced at my wristwatch for the first time in hours: 12:01 a.m.

"Happy birthday to me," I whispered to myself as I inhaled sharply and wonders what the hell had just got myself into.

Hi! So I've been wanting to write a realistic fiction story for a while, and this is what I came up with. Do you like it so far? I know it's kind of dark, but that's not really what I plan for the rest of the story so stay tuned for that! I really hope you enjoyed this little prologue and if you did feel free to vote or comment. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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