Chapter 1: Returning to Hogwarts for the last time

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I just want to say that i don't own any of the characters in this other than the ones i made up like some of Lily's friends and some of the other students that i might add in later. All rights go J.K. Rowling.

Hope you like it!!!!!!!!



Chapter 1: Returning to Hogwarts for the last time

Lily pov:

"Get Out! James Charles Potter!" I screamed. I couldn't believe it. We hadn't even arrived at Hogwarts yet and James Potter had already managed to irritate me to the point of insanity, it had to be some kind of a record. I sat down and sighed.

"Why don't you just humour him and say yes to going on a date with him for once?" Alice asked.

"It's 'cause she's worried that if she does she might actually realise that she doesn't totally hate him." Eva said.

"It is not! It is actually because I can't stand 5 minutes on my own with him let alone a whole date. He is a disgusting, arrogant,

Annoying, big-headed toe rag." I corrected them.

"Whatever you say, lily, whatever you say." Penny said in an infuriatingly knowing voice I just sighed exasperated.

We then just talked for the rest of the journey until we arrived at Hogwarts.

"I can't believe we won't be coming back after this year." Penny breathed, gazing around as we walked into the Great Hall.

"Yeah, we definitely have to make this year count." Alice said.

"Agreed." Said Eva and I as we all sat down to watch the sorting.

James pov:

"You know guys I think we need to make this year's start of year prank extra special seeing as it's the last ever one an' all." I told the rest of the marauders.

"Couldn't agree more, Prongsie." Sirius said happily.

"You know for once I think the two of you might actually be right." Remus agreed.

"What do ya mean 'for once'?" Sirius asked indignantly.

"Just that you usually want to go to far when it comes to pranks." Remus explained indifferently.

"Not once have we ever gone to far." Sirius said even more indignant.

"Only because I've stopped you." Remus replied.

Sirius opened his mouth to retort but I cut in quickly;

"Look we don't need to think about our previous pranks now, we need to think about the one we're going to do tomorrow and it needs to be big."

"But that's just it we should think about our previous pranks for tomorrows prank." Remus said thinking carefully.

"What?" I asked completely confused and by the look on both Sirius' and Peter's faces so were they.

"Look here's what we're gonna do..."

Lily pov:

"You know I think we should do something this year so that we're remembered." Alice said.

"What do you mean by 'something'?" I asked suspiciously, Alice always had been the slightly feistier, wilder member of our group.

"I mean I don't think we should go about this year in the normal way. 'Cause every other year we've always just got on with our work, kept our heads down and stayed out of trouble. None of us have ever even lost a point for our house let alone got a detention." Alice explained.

"So you're saying we should try and get into trouble this year?" Eva asked looking confused.

"No I'm just saying we shouldn't be scared of getting into trouble, we should be impulsive and have fun without thinking of the consequences. We should make the most of our last year at Hogwarts." Alice finished looking at all of us eagerly.

"In that case, count me in!" Eva said sounding excited.

" does sound like a good idea and I guess it would be fun, so I'm in to." Penny said after considering it. Then they all turned to look at me. However I remained unconvinced, I mean to me it just sounded a lot like we were going to try and get into trouble.

"I dunno, it does sound like we would be getting into trouble." I told them.

"We wouldn't necessarily be getting into trouble we would just be more relaxed about the possibility of it." Alice said trying to persuade me.

"Well...alright but I'm not going to do anything that would definitely get me into trouble." I told them.

"Silly Lily, have I not just said that we won't be getting into trouble." A grinning Alice told me while I just frowned.

James pov:

"Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" I said amazed.

"Genius, sheer genius. I mean I knew you were clever but this, this is just amazing." Padfoot said looking astounded at Moony's plan.

"Yes, well, it'll be very tricky to pull this off, the hardest yet and it'll take a lot of preparation so James and Sirius you do the first three and I'll do the last two with Peter ok?" Remus told us all.

"Yes Sir." Padfoot and I saluted Moony and then put our heads together to start planning how we were going to carry out our part of the prank.

Lily pov:

"Looks like Potter and his gang are planning their annual start of year prank." Penny pointed out looking over at potter and gang who were indeed whispering amongst themselves, well apart from Peter who sat eating and staring around the great hall.

"You, Penny, have just given me the best idea ever!" Alice declared looking more excited than ever. I groaned inwardly because I knew that whatever Alice thought was a good idea I would never think was a good idea. Me and Alice were complete opposites. While I was sensible, fairly quiet and hot tempered, Alice was loud, feisty and slightly crazy.

"We should do a start of year prank as well." Alice exclaimed grinning from ear to ear.

"I thought you said we weren't necessarily going to get into trouble." I accused her not wanting in any way to do a start of year prank.

"But that's the best part, we won't because the teacher's will think it was Potter and his gang and blame them not us. I mean who would suspect us." Alice explained getting more excited by the second. However I was torn between the idea of getting Potter and Black in trouble and the fear of being caught and getting in trouble myself.

"That sounds excellent, I'm in." Eva agreed immediately.

"Me to." Penny said after thinking it through for a while. Then they looked at me.

"I'm not sure." I told them.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Eva said to me.

"Yeah, don't you want to get Potter back for annoying you for the past six years?" Penny asked.

"Unless you don't actually hate him." Alice continued, I could see what they were trying to do but I fell for it anyway.

"Alright, alright, I'm in as well." I told them.

"Er...what are we actually going to do for a prank?" Eva asked.

"Oh well I thought we could......

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