Random Encounters

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   ''It's too early, I don't wanna get up'' you mutter while slowly trudging around the house and getting dressed. You've been sick for a couple of days but now it's time to go back to school. A playlist formed from your favourite songs conceals the emptiness that the house is filled with; your parents are really absorbed in their work and can only be seen in the evening when they come home before disappearing deep into their covered-in-work-stuff-bedroom.

You check your social medias while eating the quickly made breakfast: toast and water. Totally absorbed in your Instagram feed, you munch the slightly burned square covered with butter and some paprika slices you happened to find from the usually so empty fridge. They were probably from the time some important-looking people from your parents' work place decided to stop by and ''get to know'' each other – you knew that they only wanted to talk about work stuff. That's how it always was.

Suddenly you come back to your senses. The playlist, which was planned carefully to last as long as you would have time before leaving, had just gone silent. You freak out, grab your bag and dash out the door – that's the job of an exemplary student. The crispy morning wind tickles your cheek bones as you jog towards the usual bus station around the block. You didn't even need to hurry because the driver is always a bit late. At least there was some time to brush your hair and check the overall look before getting on.

The bus stops near the school and you awkwardly get out the bus among everyone else. You accidentally step on someone's heel and whisper a quick 'sorry' before heading towards Karasuno high school. You always walk on the side of the street because you don't want to be in the way, even though there weren't that many students yet.

The almost-empty classroom felt surprisingly cozy when you stepped in and made your way to the familiar desk. Even though you hated it, you were seated in the middle of the classroom. It was kind of distressing, especially when the room was full, but you always try your best to cope with it. After a few minutes the other students start to gather in the room.

''Good morning (f/n)-chan'', a tiny blonde girl says with a smile and seats herself. ''It's pretty cold out there, isn't it? My cheeks are almost numb'', she says and buries her face in her hands.
''Mornin', Hitoka-chan'', you say happily and give her some advice about warming up.

Hitoka Yachi is your childhood friend whom you've known since preschool. You live pretty far from each other but meet quite often to fill the (l/n) household with warm laughter and life.

''Guess what'', Yachi says suddenly, earning a curious gaze from you.

''I'm going to join a club.''

''Eeh, really? Which one?''

''The boy's volleyball team. Their manager asked me a while ago and now I'm helping her.''

''Hmmm.. What about the boys? Aren't you afraid?'' you knew Yachi wasn't that great in communication with males – but neither were you.

''At first they seemed big and scary but I've gotten pretty used to them. There are also some really nice first years and I actually helped them study while you were absent.''

The conversation continues and Yachi tells you about the famous first year duo, the other members and also about their official matches, even though she doesn't now that much yet. Sadly, the school bell interrupts the nice conversation and the class starts pretty soon after it.

Even though you are an exemplary student, you are way quieter than the others. Yes, you could carry a conversation with people you know, but answering in class is something you still haven't gotten the hang of. Especially after starting in a new school. Anyway, you spent the classes taking notes and listening carefully. Then came the lunch break.

You and Yachi always eat together in the classroom. Sometimes you even trade a bit of your food with each other. While you were chatting about the volleyball topic you heard some noise from the corridor.

''It was class 5, wasn't it?''

''How am I supposed to know? You're the one who always comes here anyway.''

Then a short guy with messy carrot-coloured hair looks in your way and points at Yachi.

''There she is! Hi!'' he exclaims loudly and makes his way to you.

''Kiyoko-san asked me to tell you to come a bit earlier today'', he said kindly. Yachi nodded and continued the conversation by asking the reason.

Meanwhile you were practically shaking. You assumed that these guys unknown to you were from the volleyball team. You tried to take a glance to see what they looked like but aside from the energetic guy who was focused on your friend, it was impossible. You poked Yachi softly and even before she turned to face you, she started with what you were going to ask her.

''Oh, hey, this is my friend (l/n) (f/n). She's the one I told you about last time.''

''Oh, the childhood friend? Nice to meet you!'' he declares, ''I'm Hinata Shoyo, first year, class 1, boys' volleyball team.'' Then he smiles happily and shakes your hand. After a short moment, he shot a glare at the tall dark haired guy with him, making him realize it was his turn.

''Kageyama Tobio, class 3'', he said briefly, looking mostly at the ground. He did take a quick look at you as well, but his oxford blue orbs met your (e/c) ones only for a second. His voice was surprisingly low, and even though he seemed intimidating, his voice had some depth in it.

''N-nice to meet the both of you. Please take c-care of Hitoka-chan and me from now on as well'', you managed to say without that much stuttering. Hinata nodded and gave a big grin as to show that he was honestly happy to meet you. Kageyama on the other hand was saying with his whole existence that he was only here because the shrimp had forced him to come.

''He either hates the entire world or is just really shy.''

Hinata and Kageyama had brought their lunches with them, planning on staying in your classroom for the break, because they still needed some study tips from Yachi. They dragged the nearby chairs closer to the both of you and sat down to eat.

''Hey, this is an advanced class, right?'' Hinata asks earning some nods and questioning looks, ''I guess that means that (l/n)-san is also smart?''

Suddenly they direct their attention to you, startling you a little.

''I-i guess I'm a bit over average'', you state, voice decelerating towards the end.

''That's awesome! Could the both of you help us study every now and then?''

The both of you, and Kageyama, look at him in shock.

''I mean, the critical situation is over but I think that understanding little by little is way better than cramming everything at the very last minute. So, what do you think?''

You look at Yachi. She doesn't look like she'd think that it's a bad idea. Also, getting to know more people wouldn't hurt. It'd also calm you to know what kind of people Yachi spends her time with.

''W-well, if Hitoka-chan's with us.''

Hinata's grin covers half of his face as he thanks you. He smacks Kageyama's back, startling him.

''Thank you'', he says and quickly looks at you again. Under the irritated tone was a hint of honesty. The dark blue hue in his eyes seems so extraordinary, even though you knew many people with blue eyes. They were like lasers, they struck right through you the moment your eyes met his.

''Just who is this guy?''

The rest of the break consisted of you and Kageyama eating quietly while listening to Hinata's energetic talking and Yachi's purely interested answers. She always got really into the conversation. When the bell was about to ring, the boys got up and put the chairs back.

''(l/n)-san, you should come see our practice as well. I'm sure Kageyama would like it'', Hinata said, obviously joking, and hit his back twice. The tall teenager puts his hand on his head and squeezes it – which seemed to be painful.

''Okay okay sorry!!'' Hinata screams in panic.

''But seriously. You could come together sometimes'', he says with a genuine smile and then they head towards their classroom.

''They might seem really weird, but I've gotten to know them a little. Kageyama-kun'll get used to you after you spend some time together. It's the same for you, right?'' Yachi says sweetly. She knew about your awkwardness, and wanted to help you to open up a little. It'd help her as well.

You had study meets once or twice a week, usually during lunch break. You still stuttered at the beginning, but it decreased slowly as you got used to them. Yachi had talked you into going to visit the team as well. They were glad to meet you, and everyone seemed surprisingly nice.

After meeting the first year duo you started to run into them way more often than you had thought. Hinata always greeted you happily and Kageyama had also started to be more talkative with you. Yachi was really busy every now and then as well so you had no choice but to get along with them.

Talking to a gym full of teenagers, especially males, was like a dream to you just a few weeks ago but now it had somehow happened. Being midst the tall volleyball players had forced you to look upwards more than before. Maybe that's what made you notice the duo more often.

One day you forgot to bring your bento to school. You had woken a bit too late and ended up panicking so that making it didn't even cross your mind. Yachi didn't have enough food for the both of you so you had to go buy something from the cafeteria. You never really went there because it was always full of people. This time, luckily, you ran into the duo. No. Only half of it.

''Hey, Kageyama-kun'', you greet the laser eyed male who was heading the same way.

''Rare to see you here'', he said and was trying to count his money.

''Yeah, I forgot my bento. Where's Hinata-kun?''

''He went to your class already.''

You didn't know whether you should walk with him or just quickly go buy something and hurry to the classroom. You didn't get to decide before reaching the destination.

''Is it always so crowded in here?'' you ask him, trying to see where to go.

''Yeah, pretty much'', he says and starts to walk trough the crowd to get to the counter. You didn't know what to do so you just decided to follow him wherever he was going. Then, all of a sudden, someone ran into you causing you to lose your balance. The first thing you did was take a hold of something – which ended up being Kageyama's arm. He looks at your small hands and then at you with widened eyes and face covered in a thin, rosy colour.

''S-sorry, Kageyama-kun'', you stutter and let go of his arm, ''someone pushed me and-''

''This way'', he interrupts you and leads the way, letting you go first and making sure no one would push you anymore.

After the awkward bread-buying session was over, you headed back to your classroom. Yachi was surprised to see the two of you together. She didn't say anything, though. After explaining everything, the break went by as usually.

Even though there were some unusual gazes. At you. And his arm.


After the cafeteria incident you ran into them even more often. When you and Yachi were heading towards the gym, when changing classrooms and so on. They just seemed to be wherever you were. They didn't always come talk to you, but you could feel that they had noticed you. You didn't realize it, but you were always unconsciously looking for them. For him.

You were almost always laughing when you were with Yachi. You knew each other really well, so you could talk about whatever you wanted. Your happiness was obvious from the big smile you always wore with her. Others noticed it as well. At least someone did.

You had started to tease your best friend about Hinata as time passed. Also, when you went to the gym, you teased her about one first year who seemed to glance at her every now and then.

''And again! Didn't you notice?'' you whisper because you had, once again, noticed the freckled boy look at your best friend. ''He is pretty cute, don't you think? He's tall, too'', you teased her. She denies it every time, and gets more and more flustered every time you do it. Until, one day, she actually didn't deny it.

That day she finally decided to tell you. She had probably liked him for a while already, but wasn't sure about it because she acted almost the same with Hinata. But once, after practice, he had talked to her a little which made her sure. She did have a crush on him. You felt like a proud mom the moment she told you. Her telling you about it meant some planning. For a confession, that is.

''I think that confessing is a good idea'', you tell her with confidence.

You didn't know, but someone had accidentally ended up eavesdropping you behind the corner.

''I think that Yamaguchi-kun is really sweet, even though he sides with Tsukishima-kun.''

Yachi looks at you, blushing. You pet her head.

''Maybe someday after practice?'' you ask her, earning an unsure nod.

The listener leaves, clenching their fists.

One day Yachi got sick. You knew that Kiyoko needed some help, so you decided to go to the gym by yourself. You got along with the team pretty well already, so it wouldn't be that difficult.

When you are heading towards the gym, someone calls your name. You turn and see Yachi's beloved Yamaguchi looking around you. He was even taller up close, probably around Kageyama's height.

''Wait, is Kageyama an unit of measure or something?''

''Hi, Yamaguchi-kun. What's wrong?''

''I..um, where's Y-yachi-san?''

''She's sick today. Just a common cold, though.''

He was really sweet, just as you had thought. Talking to him was easy because he didn't seem dangerous. He also stuttered almost as much as you did, if not more, which caled you down.

''Okay. If you see her, tell her to get better!'' he says happily and runs towards the gym. You're about to follow him when someone stops you.

''(y/n)-san, don't do it yet. Please!'' the little redhead begs and bow in front of you.

''Hm? What are you talking about?'' you ask in utter confusion.

''I mean that you...Yamaguchi...he's not good enough for you! Or...something... I don't know!'' he mutters and storms away.

''What the heck was that?''

The practice was just as usual, even though you noticed how Yamaguchi looked a little lost. He still looked over to you unconsciously, probably looking for Yachi who usually sat next to you. You also noticed Hinata and Kageyama talk a bit more than usually. Sugawara actually had to tell them to concentrate. That was really rare, considering how the both of them love volleyball.

While watching the males practice, you fall deep in thought. Somehow your eyes start to follow the form of the raven haired first year. How he focuses entirely on the ball, makes nearly perfect tosses and, how he succeeds making the, oh so beautiful, jump serve. When the ball hits the floor on the other side of the net, you notice Kageyama do a small fist pump. Then he quickly looks at you, as if to make sure that you had seen him serve.

''Wait, what?''

You turn your head quickly and cover your face with your hands. What was that? Everything stopped the second your eyes met his sparkling blue ones. The gym went entirely quiet, even the calming sound of sneakers on wood disappeared. The only sound you could hear was your heart thumping. Loudly. And quickly.

''Since when have I been like this?''

You spent the rest of the practice by looking at everyone else but him. It just turned out to be hard after you had realized it. You had fallen for the dark haired setter.

Kiyoko was really thankful because you had come even without Yachi. She shook your hand which made you feel like a tiny potato, especially after seeing her genuine smile.

''Now I understand why Tanaka-senpai and Nishinoya-senpai like her.''

Just as you're about to leave the gym you hear someone run towards you. You try to turn to see the runner – but couldn't. Your eyes get covered and someone puts their hands on your shoulders.

''This way, (y/n)-san!'' you recognize the voice. It was Hinata. But why?

You decide to follow the tiny redhead's lead. He gives you directions pretty often but you have no idea where you are. You are still in school grounds, you can hear that, but where? You try to sniff the air for some clues. Pine? It seemed like you were in a forest near the school.

''Hey, where are-'' you are about to ask, but he suddenly takes his hands off and runs away, making a lot of noise on the way. Then you hear a voice with a weird echo.

''(y/n)-san.'' the voice says. You have no idea who it is. You mumble a quiet 'yes?'.

''Do you know who took you here?''

''It was Hinata-kun, wasn't it?''

That makes the source of the voice grunt a little.

''W-well, that doesn't matter. Do you know who I am?'' he stutters, trying to sound tough, but fails.

''No, your voice is too vague to recognize.''

''Well, do you want to know?''

''Yes, please.''

''On one condition.''


''Don't do it yet.''


You hear some undefined ruffling and then steps coming towards you. The unknown man unties the cloth around your eyes. After getting used to the light outside, you try to identify the person in front of you. He's carrying a paper tube, which he probably used to talk with you. Most of his face is covered, but the mask leaves his eyes out.

''Kageyama-kun?'' you could recognize the striking blue orbs anywhere.

''Yamaguchi's not as great as he seems. He is always following Tsukishima's lead in mocking me and Hinata. Yes, he might be nice to you, but who knows-''

''What are you talking about?'' you ask and look at him, but not in his eyes. He looks back but turns his gaze away almost immediately.

''Hinata heard you.''

''W-what did he hear?'' you feel really embarrassed all of a sudden.

''He was panting when he told me, so I didn't catch everything, but it was something about Yamaguchi.''

You're about to ask more, but he interrupts you.

''And c-confessing.''

''Oh no. Hitoka-chan won't like this.''

''You didn't tell him, right?!'' you shout in panic, making the male drop his head a little.

''No, but-''

''Ahh, that's a relief. I was already afraid what Hitoka-chan would say or do to me if you had told him.''

''Wait, Yachi-san? Why'd she get angry?''

You get a bit closer to him and whisper:

''She wants to confess herself.''

''WHAT?'' Kageyama roars, startling you.

''I'm gonna kill that Hinata...'' he murmurs, forgetting your existence for a short moment.

''What did you think it was about? Oh, don't tell me-'' you ask, making him slap his hands on your mouth.

''D-don't you dare say it'', he growls, his face completely red. You look at him in amazement.

''Oh, he can make a face like that as well?''

''I d-didn't think that it would turn out like this... Sorry'', he says and backs off, letting you speak again.

''I'm not m-mentally prepared for the words yet...''

The awkward silence is about to land, but you stop it.

''Should I say it, then?''

His eyes widen and the rosy red turns into a darker, cherryish colour.

''W-w-what do you mean?'' he nearly shouts as you walk closer to him. Step by step your face starts to change colour as well. You stop near his face and look deep into his eyes.

''I love you.''

You whisper gently and lean your forehead against his, leaving him dumbfounded. Before he can really understand what is going on, he follows his instincts.

His hand makes it's way behind your head and pulls it gently to make your lips meet. Then the time stops moving.

You feel his warm lips on yours, smiling, as well as the tender hand stroking your hair. First your face gets warm, and the soft, fluffy feeling takes over your entire body, making you feel like flying.

''So this is what love feels like.''

You don't want to stop, but the male's strong but gentle hand moves from behind your head on to your cheek and caresses it before pulling you in for another kiss. The happiness you feel in that moment is about to turn into a tear, but is stopped before it manages to form.


The both of you freak out and fall down. Was that a camera?

''Hinata, you-!''

Kageyama's about to run after the little spy, but you grab his wrist and stop him.

''He needs to get an earful from the both of us.''

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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