Part 5

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Everything seemed so different, it was like I was seeing everything in a whole new light. I stood on the wet beach, thinking about what Janie had said, murder, limbo, unfinished business . It all sounded so morbid, so sinister. I didn't even believe in ghosts yet I was one? I didn't get it, I couldn't. Ok so if I was a ghost then what was my unfinished business? Was it something to do with Jacob? Maybe. Maybe I needed revenge, yeah that's right revenge. I suddenly felt an evil grin spread on my lips, oh god had I become a vengeful spirit or something? I thought about it for a moment, no of course I wasn't. I just wanted closure that's all and anyway Jacob was always a dickhead, no one would miss him, would they? I started thinking of my plan, I could go to school and find him, torture him, I mean no one would see me would they? Yeah I could really batter that bastard, maybe some of his thuggish friends. An evil laugh escaped my mouth, wow I really was morbid.

By the time I had had planned everything out, the perfect way, the way that I wanted it, the sun was rising and the sea was calm. Today was the day. I got up and decided that before i walked to school, I'd get changed. I knew it was pointless as no one could see me but I still wanted to look the part. When I walked in, everything started spinning, would dad see me? Or was I in the real world? I walked into my bedroom and sadness hit me. After today I'd probably never be able to see my room again. All the memories, sleepovers I had here suddenly came back and I felt like like I had lost everything. I looked at all the pictures of mum with longing. I wanted to see her so bad, suddenly I realised. If I got revenge. I would get to see her! Suddenly my sadness was replaced by excitement and thrill. I was going to do this and no one was going to stop me, well that's obvious because well I'm dead so how can they. I looked in my wardrobe and picked out a long black dress, this was perfect. Now I could be a proper clique ghost! I walked out of the room and out of my house for the last time with no affection at all. Outside my car was still there, it looked like dad hadn't gone round to getting rid of it or just didn't want too. I touched the shiny window, my hand sliding down the warm glass. I loved my car so much and the pain of not being able to drive, feel free anymore, tore me to the bone. My eyes were starting to water when I suddenly realised that I should pull myself together, I needed my strength if I wanted to finish my business, I needed to stop being selfish and think of my mum. Maybe in an hour I could see her again, she could hold me in her arms and tell me she loved me, tell me she was proud of me. I wiped my tears and  thought of her beautiful voice, the thought of her motivated me and it made me start to walk on.
When I got to the school steps, seeing all the children suddenly terrified me. What if one saw me? They did the other day didn't they? But then like Janie said, that wasn't real life. That was my fantasy , something I made up to disguise the truth. I took a deep breath which I thought was ironic because I was dead, I slowly walked up the stairs and thought about my first victim. Lee Butcher. A friend of Jacob's, I thought of I got to Lee first, it would scare Jacob. My eyes desperately scanned for him, suddenly I found hm and my heart suddenly started plummeting. I slowing walked over to him, as I walked up the stairs, as I took each step, excitement filled me. A voice was telling me to keep going, I could do this. I could. Suddenly before I knew it, Lee was in front of me, leaning against the stair rails and I knew what I had to do. I reached out and grabbed a handful of Lee's jacket and shoved him. Luckily I caught him off balance so he tipped over the rails like a slinky on the stairs, he landed on the hard floor with a sickening thud, followed by dozens of gasps and screams. I heard a laugh like a hyena, my laugh. Oh my god! That felt so good!!! I quickly glanced at Lee's lifeless body then I sped off, I needed to find other people, my victims.
As I skipped outside, I felt so happy, my dress was swishing and I was almost dancing. I felt like a dark angel, yes that's what I was. A dark angel, I liked it.
I went into the maths block and searched for room M3, i peered in the window and saw Mr Pearson was in there, I smiled and opened the door. He was tapping away on his pathetic little computer, he was quite old so his hearing was dodgy which was why he probably didn't hear the door open which was a shame because i was hoping to scare him to death but hey ho. I grabbed hold of a long stick and crept over to him, stifling a laugh.
"This is what you get for calling me sexy in year seven, you little perv!" I shouted. I spat at him, making him spin round in his chair. Before I could even give him time to react to the floating stick, I whacked him round the head. Once, twice then another time to make sure he was dead. I walked over to the window and smashed it. I grabbed the deceased body of Mr Pearson and threw him out. Instead of happiness, I felt anger, rage. Killing him wasn't enough. I started to smash the window, liking the sound it made. I needed to trash the thing he loved, his classroom. I dropped the stick and started throwing chairs, tipping tables, smashing his computer. Now that made me feel better. Suddenly the door opened, making me jump, it was a year seven, I recognised her but I didn't know her name. The girl looked so scared, she wanted to know what was going on.
"Hey do you want to join," I asked, not sure whether she could see me. By the look on her face, I could tell she could, then suddenly the anger came back and I realised, I couldn't let her go out and tell the whole school a ghost is killing people, no I thought I'd save her the hassle. I smiled evilly at her and started trifling my stick, laughing. Suddenly without a word, I whacked her in the face with it, I did it repeatedly, even when she was lying on the floor, moaning in pain. I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed this and I started wishing she could have died sooner then she could have been happier sooner. Whilst I was in my moment of pride, the door opened again and in the doorway were, Hanna, Holly and some other people, followed by the head who looked everywhere around the room in shock horror. I knew that no one could see me which made me smile, I was like a spy, a ninja. The thought of this made me laugh, which made everyone's eyes turn to me.
"Melanie can you please explain to me what the hell is going on?" boomed the headteacher. My heart started thudding beneath my chest, what the hell? How the fuck could she see me??? I was a ghost, unbeatable, untouchable right? I dropped my stick and staggered backwards. I didn't get it, how could any of these people see me? This was impossible, they couldn't see me could they? Janie said they couldn't, maybe I was just pretending again. So I closed my eyes and chanted to myself.
"It's not real. Your just pretending. It's ok, it's not real, it's ok, it's not real. It's ok," I opened my eyes, expecting the people to be gone, but they were still there. My best friends, well ex best friends were crying. I knew I was dead! They must have been having a memorial for me or something and that's why they were talking about me, maybe the pretend thoughts got into my head and confused me. I sighed with relief, it made sense. I was just getting confused, I was getting trapped in different time zones, different memories just appearing in my head, this was probably normal and I just needed to get used to it. Everyone started piling out, everyone except my headteacher, God maybe it was harder to get her out of my head than I imagined.
"Melanie, explain everything to me now," said the head with gritted teeth, I told myself it was ok, before slapping her in the face. I couldn't kill her if she wasn't real.
"I don't need to. I don't fucking need to, I'm dead anyway so you can piss off for all I care! Look I'm gonna jump out of that window. I'll prove I'm a ghost!" I shouted in rage. I ran to the window and scrambled to the other side. I was gripping on so tight, I was scared. I shouldn't be, I'm a ghost I can't die but I wasn't used to being dead so I just had to tell myself to let go......

Author note: hey guys so your probably thinking WTF? It's fine don't worry, I'm staring the part six tomorrow which is the LAST one! I'm answering everything on that chapter! If you have any questions or anything you want to discuss, just let me know. Thanks 😊 have a good day

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