A cloudy sky hides the moon, and a cold wind, the omen of approaching
December, whirls the dry leaves and dust in the narrow path leading
to the cemetery.
Under the gate, three forms are conversing in a low tone.
"Have you spoken to Elias?" asked a voice.
"No; you know he is very odd and discreet. But he ought to be with
us. Don Crisostomo saved his life."
"I accepted the offer for the same reason," said the first voice. "Don
Crisostomo is having my wife treated at a doctor's house in Manila. I
have agreed to take charge of the convent in the attack, so that I
can settle my accounts with the curate."
"And we, we will have charge of the attack on the cuartel, so that we
can say to the members of the Guardia Civil that our father had sons."
"How many will there be of you?"
"Five! Five will be enough. Don Crisostomo's servant says that there
will be twenty in all."
"And if things don't turn out well?"
"St!" said one, and they all became silent.
In the semi-darkness, a form could be seen crawling along the
fence. From time to time it stopped, as if to look behind.
And it did so not without reason. Behind, at some twenty paces,
came another form. This one was taller and seemed to be darker than
the first. Each time that the first stopped this second one would
disappear as if the earth had swallowed it.
"They are following me," murmured the one ahead. "Is it a Guardia
Civil? Has the sacristan lied?"
"It appears that the appointment is here," said the second, in a low
voice. "They are up to something bad, when the two brothers hide it
from me."
The first form finally arrived at the gate of the cemetery. The three
who were already there advanced.
"Is it you?"
"Is it you?"
"Let us separate. Some one is following me. To-morrow we will have
the arms and to-morrow night will be our time. The cry is 'Viva Don
Crisostomo!' Begone!"
The three persons disappeared behind the wall. The recent arrival
hid himself in the hollow of the gate and waited silently.
"Let's see who is following me!" he murmured.
The second person came along very cautiously, and stopped to look
"I have arrived late!" said he in a half intelligible voice. "But
perhaps they will return."