Just another day

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I jolted awake with a start, scrambling around I press a button on my watch and relax. After 3 years I'm still not used to being woken up so early. I put on my clothes, my sweater and double knot my shoes "here goes another day" I say to the empty room. I go to my desk and pull 2 granola bars out from a box of them one I eat right away, the other I put in my pocket for lunch. Another alarm goes on my watch reminding me to get my stuff for training and head to the field for the morning run. I go to my closet and push aside a few shirts to reveal the entire wall covered with every type of knife, tomahawk, multitool, sword, and gun you can imagine. I take my favorite knife strap it to my belt along with a couple tomahawks and my basic 9mm I then put a smaller knife and gun in my sock as backup and finally take my crossbow and sling it over my back. My watch buzzes one last time telling me to get going. As I head to the field I stop by my friend Jason's room and we head to the field together. As we step onto the dewey grass our day has officially begun.

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