Old People New Drama Pt.1

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Y/N Pov.

?? - You know you hear me talking to you

You - Yeah umm hey D-Dayday, Langston, Julian

Langston - *hugs you* Hey girl I missed you how have you been

Julian - *hugs you too* Hey sis how you been livin

You - I been good

Dayday - *kisses you* Hey baby girl

You - Wtf did you kiss me for remember we broke up Dashawn besides i have a boyfriend 

Dayday - Where he at then

Chres - *Puts arm around you* Right here

Dayday - You know you want me back stop frontin

You - Guys let's go I suddenly lost my appite *skates away with Chres*

Chres - Do you want to *gco*

You - I would rather not

Chres - Before we go back on the rink let me hold you

You - *let's him hold you and then starts crying in his chest*

Chres - Its okay baby girl let's go skate

You - Ight

We skated until the rink closed then we drove back to my crib. The boys left cause they had a meeting in the morning. All of us girls stayed downstairs and talked

India - When you gonna tell Chres about the other side of you

You - Idk i don't want him to hurt me and I don't want to get dragged back to that dark place

India - You better tell him soon because your past is coming back and hell might break loose

You - *sighs* I know but i just have to think about how to tell him that's all

April - You better think fast

You - Yall right I know i have to so don't worry about it

We talked a little more but all that raced through my he was how am i going to tell him this is so hard. Why does my past always come back to haunt me. This is giving me a headache just thinkin about it. I just need some rest I am finna go to bed. I will worry about everything later but until then let's just pray my dark side won't come out.

What does Y/N mean by don't let her dark side come out? Will she tell Chres about it? I he gonna ignore her past and stay with her?

My Everything in life ( A Chresanto Love Story)  Where stories live. Discover now