Dear Public Diary,
Boy do I have a lot to tell!
Still have a crush on that boy from Bible Study. Comment/PM #GalaxyBoy
~he wasn't there tonight :'( which makes it 4 weeks in a row that I won't see him... He's so sweet and kind and funny and just really awesome in general... I've had a crush on him for a while, but he's wayyyy out of my league and I'm not exactly crushable to begin with... Which is depressing but whateves
So, the lead in Aladdin... Comment/PM #ConverseBoy
~Meowwwww... Jk, jk, but tbh I'm not complaining that I get to hold his arm for a couple of scenes. Whenever we get ready to rehearse a part where I do that, he sticks out his arm so it's not too awkward for me and a couple of times, he's opened his hand, too, and when I take his arm he pretends to complain. In my head I have these brilliantly flirty quips, but I don't speak in public unless prompted (#writer problems) so yeah... Also, the other day @ practice, his shoe was untied and I pretended like it really bugged me until the point where I bent down and tied his converse laces which was whatever... I don't have a crush on him and I know he doesn't have a crush on me, but he did randomly follow me on Pinterest <R.M. Butler--follow me!!!> so hey, I'm in.😂😂😂 also made a pic out of that:
I call it :
"Converse Boy"
Or more famously known as:
"Ignore the fact that I suck at drawing and recognize the symbolism I am John green everyone"
A mechanical pencil on new drawing pad.
Okay, new school update:
So I hate people. But whatever. Not much to tell. Actor boy goes to my school.😏😏😏 Also, Imma guard with this enemy of mine who acts gay, but idk so.