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Lexa POV
She might of lost me but I've been found Clarkes asleep in her bed I lay awake in mine. I hear rustling and Clarke stands "you know it is pretty late in the day we could be up now. "  I stand too. She walks over to me. "We need to survive this war Clarke " "shouldn't life be about more that just surviving?" "Maybe it should" I lean in so does she we're inches away from kissing when the horns go off. I really wanted the last battle kiss but Indra is impatient along with Anya,Abby and Cane. They all came barging in, thank god we separated before they did.

Clarke POV
HOW! How could she just betray me, us like that. How could she leave me to kill off mount weather. I've been in the forest for 3 months now and these are the only thoughts that go through my head everyday. I know this girl, I feel bad for sleeping with her because it ment nothing it felt like nothing but betrayal to me. I left with my pants and only a bra on my hair was a mess and my shoes in my hands. When a log whacks me in the face,someone's knocked me out.when I wake my hands are bound and there's a sack over my head. Someone rips the sack off my head and I can feel the black eye , ouch. When I gain my sight again I see none other than Lexa, of freaking course! She send everyone out including her guards. She cuts the bounds off me and looks at me with a smile then. She looks at me, considering I'm topless I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. The. Her expression hardens and she say "who?" "Who what?" " who did you sleep with Clarke and why?" " that's none of your business! Why do you care anyway?" I frown " you know why I care Clarke " she sighs out "no actually I don't I thought I did but no it was just a lie!" Lexa lunches forward " IT WAS NEVER A LIE CARKE AND YOU KNOW IT !" She screamed " OH REALLY AND HOW EXACTLY DO I KNOW THIS LEXA ?!" I yell back " because last I checked you left me" I say as tears form In my eyes. She wipes the stray tear that fell "I had no choice Clarke" I grabbed her hand forcefully " yu know that what I kept telling my self, but I did have a choice Lexa I just chose wrong!" I say with a clenched jaw " I, uh listen Clarke i" " just stop Lexa I do t care what you have to say just go die why don't you"
" I'll give you your space but your not leaving and I'm certainly not dieing"

Lexa comes into my room excited to see me. Excited that I invited her. Once she come close enough I hold a knife to her throat. I tried I really did. No actually I didn't I can't kill Lexa because it's Lexa. I started to Camry as I drop the knife " I'm so sorry Clarke I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm so sorry. I'll send you back to you people." I do t want to go back though I want to be here with her even though she thinks I hate her " Stop" she turns around hope fills her eyes I smile " I can forgive if you can." I say " I already forgave you Clarke. Before you even did anything " I stepped closer to her "when will you go back to your people" she asks " I didn't know I had to" I wink she steps closer.

We kiss. Over and over. Her lips are soft and I push her against the wall we both beg for more. My lips find the selves trailing down he neck as she takes my shirt off. She flips us around so I'm on the wall not as she slowly takes her shirt off. I wAtch in Awe as she does this. Her lips trail down my skin while I explore her body. She takes me to the bed. And our clothes end up scattered on the floor. We wernt quite . But the door was locked.

Lexa POV
Clarke had a hicky on her neck I guess I was claiming her she tried to his it . I had one on mind as well. It had been a while don't blame us. Indra and Anya saw mine Abby and cane saw hers they were not impressed I blushed she giggled at me.

At the joining of our clans Clarke bowed to me
Later that night I knelt before her "Clarke kom skikru,sky princess, the thief of my heart. Will you marry me ?" Clarke burst into tear "Yes!!! Of course I'll Mary you!" I get up she grabs me and kisses me . I give her a ring that makes her part commander with me it activates when we have the ceremony.

Let me care for you
Even if you hate me
X marks the spot where I first saw you
A spot where I fell in love

After all I will
Never not care for you because
Dang your perfect

Can I please call you my
Love forever
And always cherish the memories to
Keep until the very

Because my love we are Reborn. Clexa💗

They say in unison

Ps not the last chapter honestly just getting started ;)
Hope your enjoying
Sorry for short chapter but won't be able to update because of Easter and all so ttyl :)

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