Chapter 2 - Health

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US Ministry Medical Centre

24 hours after Harry's arrival The Trio and Xander visited the financial offices and had Harry's Vaults moved to US Gringotts, The Goblins gave him a debit card linked to his account for spending in the muggle world and a bottomless money pouch for wizarding purchases.

Xander suggested Harry have a medical check up, needless to say the US Ministries Healers make Madam Pomfrey and the St Mungos team look like Children playing doctor.

"Okay Harry we'll scan your magical core next, are you okay with this?" Healer Amy Callaway said

"Yes Go ahead" Harry confirmed the healer handing him a potion

"We'll need to put you Under whilst we're looking at your Core

Harry Drank the Potion and slowly fell into a anaesthetised sleep

Waving her Wand over Harry the Healer Gasped in shock

"Oh Sweet Merlin" She Fired off a patronus calling for Xander to look at her discovery.

Xander arriving quickly

"That looks like a Horcrux it's tied in pretty tight, think you can remove it Amy?"

The Healer tapping her chin and took a breath "I've got an idea of how to do this, it might work, i'm thinking I Kill something and try and tease the soul fragment out of Harry, I'm also going to undo the binding on his magic and see how things work, this is very strange but he's really strong i think he'll be okay"

"Go on healer give it a try and heres hoping this will be Routine" Xander said leaving the theatres

Amy Cast The unbinding spell, "Magicka Unbindus" Harry was covered in a blue light as his magic was pulled and massaged the binding loosening as the spell worked together finally with a Pop the binding Broke Magic flowing Aggressively through Harry Fixing his cuts and scars, the soul piece bathed in good clean Magic broke down and burst Amy Grabbed the broken soul piece pulling it with her Wand and dropping it in a secure container sealing it with a locking charm.

Amy walked out of the chamber Harry moved onto a ward Amy and Xander walking to Sirius and Remus in a waiting Area

"Hows Harry?" Remus Asked

"We've Destroyed both the Binding in his Magic and a Soul shard that seemed to be embedded in his Magic, our scanners pick up a substantial increase in his magical powers" Amy Explained

"We're moving him to a Ward come along and I'll take you up to him, I would Advise he seeks out a new Wand as My guess is his current one won't be able to handle his magic boost" Xander explained

Sirius nodding as the two marauders follow the ministry workers into a private Ward

Finding Harry sat up on the bed Grinning

"Harry you woke up Quickly, How're you feeling" Xander asked

Harry Smiled "I can feel my magic Pulsing, It feels Strong Like armour

"Hmm Interesting" Amy said " Harry Would you mind summoning your Patronus for me"

Harry picked up his Wand

"Expecto Patronum" Harry said His stag patronus burst from his Wand Amy putting a hand out and Touching the patronus "Merlin it's Solid" she murmured

"harry I Would like you to visit Professor Hart the Wand Maker here, to recheck your Wand suitability, A power change may mean a tougher Wand might be better" Xander Said "Padfoot if I may borrow Remus for an hour You take Harry over to the Professor and Reequip him"

Sirius Nodded Harry hopping out of the bed and Standing Alongside His Godfather

The Moon

"Mistress Rita I felt a powerful Energy spike on earth its unlike the Rangers, What would you like me to do" a Golden Armoured Monkey Said to a Witch in Steampunk Attire

"Take the Putties to Earth and Secure that Power Goldar" Rita Roared

"At once my queen" Goldar grinned

Harts Wands

As Harry and Sirius Enter a Kindly Bald Black man Greeted them

"Hello there, My Names Professor Horatio Hart, Mr Steele Explained you would be Visiting May I Measure your Wand Arm?"

Harry nodded as he put his Arm out

The Professor taking Measurements

"Now In the US we Do a Wand Compatibility test, take this Wand point it at the Target on the Wall and cast A Stunner"

Harry Took the Wand muttering Stupefy the Spell hit the target with incredible force

"Ah Yes I think I have an Idea, please feel around the Cores on the desk Tell me Which one feels right" Hart said

Harry Felt Around the Boxes Settling on Dragon Scales

And Whomping Willow wood

"I Will put the wand together for You Mister Potter, If you return in 1 Hour Your Wand will be ready" Professor Hart said "Potential for a very powerful Wand "

Sirius and Harry left the Shop Walking Along the street to a near by Youth Centre

A Large Golden Armoured Monkey Appeared in a flash of flames Several adult sized grey monsters With him

The monkey holding a Sword

"Aha I'm here to capture you for empress Rita you will come with me" Goldar Roared

"Harry go I'll be fine" Sirius said stepping between the monsters and his godson

"No Padfoot I wont leave you I only just got you back" Harry said Looking around he pulled his Wand

"Ha ha you think that little stick will stop me?" Goldar cackled

"I don't know who you are but you won't touch my Godson" Sirius Barked pulling his wand "Stupefy" the Red curse hitting the armour and bouncing off

Harry started firing curses at the grey creatures as Sirius shifted into Padfoot and Leapt across the Gap Biting one of the grey things, harry got one of the grey monsters in a full body bind as goldar closed the gap swinging this sword at Harry, the boy wizard ducked the sword slash The next shot Would've finished him but the sword was stopped as An energy Arrow impacted Goldar's sword Arm a Pink suited Female Having fired the Attack

"Argh Pink ranger you're always Ruining my Fun, I'll get you next time Kid" Goldar roared teleporting away

Sirius Still in his Padfoot form kept his form Harry petting him to keep up cover the Pink woman walking over

"Are you Okay ?" She said

Harry nodded "What was that thing?"

"Goldar, An evil henchman or Monkey of Rita Repulsa" The pink female petting Padfoot "I'm The Pink Ranger I saw you Fighting off the putties You did very Well But I wouldn't fight Rita's monsters they Won't hesitate to hurt you"

"Thank You" Harry said blushing Slightly as the Ranger Teleported away

Sirius Shifted Back

"Somebody got a crush?" He teased

"Only you could make jokes when we both nearly Died Padfoot" Harry said Winking

"You know you love me Harry, I'm just The best" Sirius grinned "Seriously We need a word with Steele see what he knows about those monsters and The pink spandex Girl he's lived here a while, we'll pick your Wand up on the way" Holding Harry's arm Sirius turned on the spot Aparating

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