On the job (part 1)

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"It's pretty late, I should go home now" Nichole says. She Pays Ren, puts her bag over her shoulder and walks to the door, giving Steven Thomas a small wave. He turns and watches her leave.

Outside, Nichole walks down the sidewalk to her car. She feels someone watching her. Nichole stops, she looks over at the tress to her right.

"Hello? " she calls out. No response. Nichole takes a few steps toward the tress when suddenly some rustles through them. Nichole jumps back. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought it was going to beat out of her chest. She continues to stare into the darkness. Nothing else happens. Nichole hears a humming above her. She looks up at the street lamp, dusk particles floating around. Nichole regains herself. Her breath was quick and she could see it in the air. This whole time, the sidewalk had been empty Nichole looks around, the surrounding is quiet and dark, except for the street lamps. It gets darker as the street lamps go out, one by one. Nichole is now in complete darkness. The bar light is too far away. Nichole looses her vision briefly, everything is completely dark. It stays this way for a minute or two. Nichole's eyes open. The street lamps are on and she is still standing on the sidewalk. 'What just happened?' she thinks to herself. Nichole shakes it off, blaming it on her tired mind. She walks to her car and drives to the college dorm buildings.

TIME SKIP (The next morning)

Nichole drives the short way from her dorm building to the class quarters. She drives through the student parking lot, pulling into a rare free space since she is later. Technically, she was a half hour early since classes begin at 9:00 but "good" students always came early. It was currently 8:40. Nichole gets out out of her car, locks it and makes her way to the tech building for her First Class. It's a crisp October morning. The parking lot is empty but Nichole sees a man going through the back of a commercial van who looks familiar. 'Steven Thomas?' she asks herself. While staring at him, he looks over and they make eye contact. He smiles and waves her over.
"Hello miss Nichole" he says in his deep raspy voice.
"Hey Steven, what are you doing here?" He is dresses in a navy blue uniform and has a box with bottles and cans in it, on the floor of the van.
"Your school has a bug problem and they called me" as he rustles through the stuff in the truck.
"What l, since when? " Nichole asks confused.
Steven Thomas pulls out a clipboard and hands it to Nichole. She scans the paper on it. It's a complaint from the school. It says there is a rat, ant, spider, cockroach and raccoon problem.
"Damn" Nichole mumbles, holding the clipboard out.
Steven Thomas takes it, putting it back in the truck.
"Yeah, they say they are in the walls" Steven Thomas says.
"Will it affect the classes? " Nichole asks.
"Worry not doll face, you will be able to attend all your classes without interruption." The campus tower clock chimes, signalling it was 9:00.
"Oh shit, I have to go" Nichole says running off.
Steven Thomas watches her go. He laughs to himself.

Nichole walks into her first period class. The other students turn their attention to her.
"You're late, mind telling 4th e class why? " the professor asks.
Nichole shakes her head and quickly goes to find a seat, there is a free one by the window.
"Let's not make this an everyday thing" the professor said harshly. This was Nichole's first time being late, her class was a big one so her professor must have been confused.

The professor goes on a rant about how technology is a critical part if everyday life and without it there is a chance the human race could die off, blah blah, it's important you pass this class blah blah blah. Nichole drifts off, thinking about Steven Thomas. The first day they met, she got this vibe from him. He seemed kind of off. The class was an hour and a half long and with about 45 minutes left, Nichole got the sense that someone was watching her. She looked out the window and saw Steven Thomas. He has his clipboard in his hand and was writing some stuff.
'What is he doing here?' Nichole wonders. Steven Thomas looks up and smiles at her. Nichole stares at him in confusion. What told her the problem was in the walls. Then why was he outside? For a brief moment, Nichole thought Steven Thomas was following her.

Throughout the day Nichole felt uneasy. She felt as if someone was watching her. In the halls, but she brushed that office because the the hallways are always busy. On campus grounds, Nichole was walking to the library and she felt she was being watched. Nichole stopped and looked around, she saw no one suspicious but Steven Thomas's white commercial van was still in the parking lot.

At the end of the day, Nichole was beyond stressed out. She had gotten no work done and even now, even though she was home, she couldn't do her homework. Nichole decided to go to the bar. Even of she couldn't get any alcohol, it might help.
To her luck, Connor was bartending.
"Hey you"he says cheerfully as she slumps in a stool.
"Hiiiiiiii" Nichole groans.
"Long day huh? " she nodded.
"Would you like a special?" Connor asks, starting to fix her a drink. "Yes please" Nichole whispers.
Connor sets a drink down in front of her and Nichole drinks it quickly.
"Ahhh fuck that burns" Nichole says, her tounge out, trying to soothe the burning in the back of her throat.
"You weren't supposed to do that? " Connor says, taking her glass and filling it up with a different drink. He sets it down in front if her and Nichole downs it.
"Ohhh, that one was sweet" she says. She laughs
Being this her first time drinking, she is already drunk.
"One more" Connor says, pouring one last drink. He sets the glass down for Nichole to take.
She reaches for it, her fingers hit the glass and it almost spills over.
"oops" she says and giggles. She manages to pick up the cup and down the drink.
"Eww, yuck. What was that? " she asks.
"Scotch" Connor says.
Nichole wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and rocks back and forth on the stool.
"I don't like that" she says. Connor lets out a small laugh and then leaves to help another customer but keeps an eye on Nichole.

About 15 minutes later Steven Thomas walks in and takes a seat next to Nichole. She moves in her seat and almost falls out but Steven Thomas catches her.
"Woah there, drunk are we miss Nichole?" he says.
Nichole looks at him.
"Hey, you were following me today weren't you? " she asks, slurring on her words. Steven Thomas looks away from her, and signals for Connor  to take his order.
"Of course not" he says, a half smile on his lips.

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