The decsission

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( Y/N ) P.O.V

I was frozen I didn't know what to do. Jacob had asked me out and I wanted to say yes but it would come out I was to frozen. But than finally I said yes!

Jacobs P.O.V

I can't believe ( Y/N ) said yes to me. I was so happy I jumped like a girl. That was so embarrassing.

Jacob: Uh.. Well I guess I'll walk you home now.

( Y/N ): Yea okie.

( They walk to ( Y/N ) house in silence )

( Y/N ): Do you want to come in?

Jacob: Um.. Sure.

( They walk up to ( Y/N ) room )

( Y/N ): You can sit down if you want.

( Jacob sits on ( Y/N ) bed )

( ( Y/N ) sits next to Jacob )

( Y/N ): What do you want to do?

* Jacob leans into ( Y/N ) and kisses her passionately *

* ( Y/N ) let's go of the kiss *

( Y/N ): * blushes * um..

Jacob: Yea I should get going I'll see you tomorrow if that's okie?

( Y/N ): Yea that's fine bye.

Jacob: Bye.

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