9:13 AM
Finally a post that starts before noon..
Anyway I just posted my first question on 'About Me' so go check that out.Earlier to day (Less than half an hour) we had a lockdown drill, that might not have been a drill because there was no warning. So during the drill these three girls WOULD NOT STOP TALKING!!! Even after the teacher told us to shut up they kept fucking talking about how they were scared they'd die and I'm here like "Oh yeah, taking during a fucking lockdown soooooooo not going to get you killed!" URRGGGHHHH!!!!
And Kivilla was flipping out...
So Imma go, see you later
10:26 AMM
I did two 'M's. Yup
Anyway, I have a sneek peak to something. I have reason to believe that _Wuff_ is making a therian novel. Shhhhh don't tell her I told you that.
4:36 PM
So _Wuff_ already posted the first chapter of her therian book sooooo
Anyway we went to ShelbyGraceffa's house again, it was fun.
My mom might be picking me up soon. I'm at the library.
My Me Journal (Mostly Therian Stuff)
SonstigesJust random info about me and other therians (Also, totally up for criticism but "OMG YOU STUPID FUCKING FURFAG IDIOT BITCH YOUR GOING TO HELL FOR BEING A FUCKING BITCH WHORE AND GOD HATES YOU!!!1!!!!11!!!!" ...Seriously... That's bullshit and you k...