Chapter 6

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As i woke up in the morning , I went to find Baylor and bolt when I remembered that they are at Ashley's place because she wanted to keep them for some days !
Their absence made me feel more scared ! I went to the kitchen to make myself some pancakes when I heard some noise coming from basement . I went to see what was it ! When i got their i saw nothing !
I was coming back up when I saw a piece of paper in the flore ! I was completely shocked and terrified after reading that , it said

" don't worry babe , I love you and I m coming for you " OMG he was inside the house .

I ran towards my front door to leave this place and run away as fast as I can but it was not opening when it suddenly hit me it is locked ! What do I do ! Than I heard foot steps coming from the basement ! Oh god he is coming up ! I ran to my my room and locked it ! Than I heard him , he was outside my bedroom " c'mon babe open the door "
is he insane , why would I kill myself
" I don't have any money , if you want money than go to the next room their are money in the closet and also in the safe the code is 457457221 now plz take the money and go away , don't kill me " I shouted and request ! I heard him giggle " I m not hear for money , I have it in plenty princess , I m hear for you ! I just want you ! I love you beautiful . now open the door "
is he joking what he means by he want me and he loves me , is he crazy?
He broke the door the next minute and grabbed my hand tightly ! I cried and shouted to let him make me go but nothing worked ! He suddenly made me smell something which made me fill dizzy and the next thing I know is everything got blacked !


As she fell asleep in my arms my first thought was
finally I got her , she is mine !
I kissed her forehead and picked her up bridal style to my car where twist and Ryan were waiting !

I didn't bother to take her cloths or anything else ! I am taking her to my mansion and I will give her whatever she wants ! I will give her everything ! Because she is my princess and I love her !

I buckled her in the back seat and sat with her !
"so you got her man ! Congrolution " Ryan said
"you know I get what I want , don't you !"
"she is so beautifully gorgeous " twist complimented " I know , and she is mine "
"can I have her " twist said jokingly ! I gave him a glare which stopped him "just kidding , calm down "
He started driving back to my place !
" too silence hear , let's listen something " with that he turned on the radio with rihinna singing diamond in the background ! "stop the radio stupid , Selena will wake up " and as I said this , I saw Selena opening her eyes
"where am I , what am I doin-" she shook her head in horror and blinked her eyes to see if she is dreaming ! My baby is so cute !

"hie princess , you are going to live with me now beautiful , I love you , so say goodbye to your house forever babe " I said confidential

" are you nuts , I am not going to live with you nor I am going anywhere with you ! What the hell do you mean by you love me ! Let me go ! " she shouted and than reached for the car door but obviously I have locked it " you are not going anywhere baby , and I mean I love you and you're mine , just mine "

She is scared a little right now but I know she will love me one day and she is going to start a new life with me she is mine forever !


What the hell does he mean by he loves me ? He always says that , from the day he started texting me ! Well yes now I know its him , I mean isn't that obvious ! What does he means by I am his ! Nobody owns me ! Well he is really handsome and cute and stuff but I don't care , I want to go back !
" you don't look like a criminal , if you would have just ask me out and waited for my answer than ........ But now its not happening ! I am not your , nobody owns me ! Let me go !
I said anger in my voice !
"no babe you're not going anywhere and yes I do , I own you and you're mine and never ever raise your voice to me ! You are getting your punishment "
With that he took a injection from the man who was sitting in the passenger seat , making it ready to inject !
"no , no , no please don't , please don't do that , I hate injections ! Please I'll do whatever you want me to ! But just keep that thing away from me please ! " "sorry babe , I have to do it , but remember I love you ! " he did and injected that thin on my arms !


I injected it and Selena closed her eyes in pain ! I hate to see her in pain !

She slept in my arms , comfortable ! She looks so freaking gorgeous even when she is sleeping ! I pushed a strand of her hair which was coming on her eyes behind her ears !

"i wish she came with me and do this volunteerly twist , I wish "

She is mine and she'll always be mine

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