Rant #1: L.I.F.E.

457 61 23

We're living in fear everyday. Blacks are killing blacks, we can't live our lives without being harrassed, and the scariest part is that our kids might repeat our mistakes, but we gotta find a way to make this world better for our future generations. Instead of us worrying about Love & Hip-Hop and what new shoes we just bought, let's focus on us and ONLY us. It's pretty clear that whites focus on themselves, Latino's focus on themselves, and Jews focus on themselves, so why are we the only one's focusing on everybody else when it's pretty clear that nobody really cares about us. I know some of y'all are going to say that "All lives matter", but if we're the most mistreated race in America, then how the hell do all lives matter? Last time I checked, the bible said "Love god, love your neighbor and self, and love your enemies", but it's pretty clear that we don't live by that principle anymore. Despite all the bullshit that's happening these days, remember this: You can't let someone's ignorance define how you live your life.

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