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Unedited - requested by @laurencandiex

A stiff breeze blew Raphael's tattered mask tails behind his head as he stood overlooking the city. His hand rested on the handle of his sai, as if the possibility of a fight was too great to risk not having direct access to his weapons. A distant siren wailed off in the distance, the shrill noise making the muscles in his neck tighten apprehensively for a moment. He inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in the all-too familiar scent of the urban musk that permeated the air in New York City. Not for the first time, he wondered what was happening beyond the streets of the Big Apple, what crime he might've conquered already if he weren't so tied down to this place. But the thought soon ran away from his mind as a bustling in the nearby alley brought him back to his senses.

Raphael's hands momentarily left their resting spot on his sais as he clambered down the fire escape, neglecting the stealth in favor of an all-out attack. He wasn't much for subtleties -- he never had been.

A swift and perfectly-executed front flip, and his abnormally large feet met the asphalt of the street. Electric green eyes swept the scene, honed senses taking in every detail, monitoring for any sign of hostility. Goosebumps erupted across his forest green skin as a sudden noise clattered behind him. He spun around, sais already out and raised, but was met with the irritating screech of an alley cat as it rummaged through the nearby dumpster. The feline hissed, risking a small swipe in his direction with its claws before taking off into the darkness.

Raphael exhaled slowly, pent-up adrenaline making him restless and jaded. He replaced his weapons to his belt, looking over at the opening where the alley led to, finding a bit of relief in the erratic, chaotic noise of the busy street that was always  just out of his reach. He clenched his fingers into frustrated fists, telling himself to just forget about it, that he's just messing with himself thinking about life outside of the rooftops and sewers. He was about to turn back to head home when a voice in the street stopped him.

"Rabbit! Here, boy! Rabbit!"

He frowned in confusion, sneaking to the edge of the alley, his form hidden in the shadows. A girl walked by, one hand cupped about her brightly colored lips as she continued to call out, her arm clung tightly to her curvacious torso, holding her leather jacket tightly against her to ward off the harsh wind. His first instinct was to gape. Luckily, he caught himself beforehand, remaining straight faced as she began to turn into the alley he was residing in. Raphael pressed himself against the cold brick walls, disappearing from sight as he observed the strangely alluring girl make her way closer.

She paused, black combat boots scraping the concrete as she came to an abrupt stop. Her lithe hand brushed a piece of jet black hair behind her ear as she brought her forefinger and thumb to her lips, whistling long and loud, the sound tempting Raphael to clamp his hands over his ears.

Seconds later, a bulky figure, low to the ground, bounded forward, tongue hanging out and to the side as the bullmastiff bounded over to his mistress. Not surprised in the least, the girl knelt and placed an affectionate scratch between the dog's ears.

"There you are!" She exclaimed, her heavily lined eyes sparkling in relief, "What've I told you about running off, Rabbit? Almost lost you for a second there..."

Raph smirked subtly at the unique name for such a huge dog, but then Rabbit's body stiffened. The sudden tension in the air made the hidden turtle clench in anticipation as well. The canine let out a menacing growl as it faced back toward the most shadowed part of the alley. The girl straightened instantly, her face showing determination rather than fear as four Purple Dragons emerged from the blackness.

"Now what's a pretty little thing like yourself doing out here, sweetheart?" Fong shot a venomous smile her way.

"Call me that pet name one more time, and I'll end you," the girl spat, stepping closer to her bullmastiff.

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