First Kiss

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We flu and flu. Then we landed on a tree. We saw James and Smee! They have pirates with them and James has a hook now. He still looks the same expect the hook. 

"Where are they" James asked.

Smee looks around. Then he saw us in the tree and froze. 

"Uh...James" He said.

James look at him.

"Their in a tree" Smee said.

They look at us with big eyes. Peter laughed. I giggled. 

"Get them down" James said.

Then one climbs to us. I kicked his face hard. Peter laughed again as the pirate fell with a groan. James look at me and frowned. Then Peter got grabbed behind him. I look at saw another pirate. I made a fireball in my hand. The pirate's eyes went big. Peter grins as I blast the pirate hard. He let go of Peter and fell to the ground with a groan. I jump down and landed on my feet. Peter saw a pirate on the tree again. I grabbed my weapon and threw it at the pirate. He moves out of the way and laughed. I grin. Then he gasps and fells down. I laughed as my weapon threw back to me. I grabbed it. James looks at me mad. Smee looks at me shocked.

"Was that you when we met Tiger Lily" He asked shocked.

I laughed at the memory and nodded. He looks at me more shocked. James grabs his blade and pointed at me. I rolled my eyes. Peter saw it and laughed. Then Smee falls to the ground groaning and Tiger Lily jumps and appears beside me. I grin at her. James looks madder. Then the pirates and him attacked us. I fight and fight. I flipped a lot over. They groaned. Tiger Lily laughed. I grin at her again. Then James grabs me from behind and put the blade on my neck. I felt scared. Tiger Lily looks at us with big eyes. Peter jumps down and landed beside her.

"Let her go" He said.

James laughed. 

"Now why would I do that" He asked holding me tightly.

"Or I'll blast you until you are dead" I snapped.

Peter grins as Tiger Lily laughed. James look at me shocked. 

"You can't because I have a blade on your neck sweetheart" He said.

Ugh! I hate it when he calls me sweetheart! Then they were grabbed. 

"What now" Smee asked getting up.

James looks at Peter with a grin.

"Take him to the plake" He said.

My eyes went big so did Tiger Lily's. Peter looks at us scared. 

"The princess" One asked.

"Take her to one of the prisons" James said.

I frowned. 

"Uh...her" Smee asked looking at me.

"I will feger out that out after I'm done talking to her" James said.


James frowned as I glared at him. 

"Mad at me" He asked.

"Yeah" I said.

He grins. Then he push me to the wall. I felt weirder. Wait a minute! No! Why do I like him?! He laughed. I glared at him again.

"Do I make you nervese" He wispeared/asked in my air.

"No" I lied.

He grins. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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