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Hey you guys, I am honestly so inspired to tell you that I'm about to get SERIOUSLY invested in a sequel for real this time with regular updates to it. I have the whole book planned out. Don't miss it. There will be new characters, more tracing, more crazy ideas, and lots of fun. Here's to having something new! Here is a synopsis.

Hannah is back, with new friends, and more drama. College so far has been the exact opposite of how she expected it to be while she watches Winston excel where she fails. With unsympathetic professors refusing to see Hannah as more than an ad pusher, Hannah figures she might as well pack up and go home. But nothing motivates Hannah more than a hard to reach story. When the university releases news referring to a missing student, Hannah takes it upon herself to do a bit of investigating, even getting the whole gang back together and revamping the P.I.C. Between unsupportive professors, a new little sister, thirty minute visits to old BFF Omunique, and a missing girl report, Hannah finds herself in a bit of a missing trace. Yet who is really the one missing? Hannah or the other girl? Hannah just might find herself in a life threatening situation she cannot come back from. Silly Hannah, you're not in highschool anymore. Read on to follow Hannah on another crazy investigative journey. [WARNING: Must be 13+ to read for swearing, sexual innuendos, drugs, and more. Also, if you haven't read the first novel The STD Trace this will be confusing]

Check out my profile or the EXTERNAL LINK to start reading it. I swear you won't be disappointed. MAKE SURE TO VOTE TOO LETS BE #1 IN TEEN FICTION!

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