march 22

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im so afraid of falling in love. because the things that make people fall in love are the reasons for falling out of it. i could love his sweet ramblings now, but i could get bored of them. and his bad habits could be what i find most endearing, but what about when we struggle to eat in our college apartment and his quirks turn into lost money and wasted time. what if i end up hating how his hair falls into his face, because every girl down the block likes that too, or if the way he clings onto me at night becomes just another reason for me to want space. what if their lively heart makes me grow tired, and their spontaneous behaviour makes me wish for home. and what if they think those things about me and i feel nothing? or worse i feel everything. im so scared about wanting to run away from a person who i used to think had stars in their eyes.

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