Her secret revealed

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Hey everyone . I've been on here for what feels like forever, and I feel like it's the the time that I share my secret . It is fairly private, so if you really want to know feel free to dm me .
(Posted (3/18/16 12:15pm)

I did .
Me: hey what's about your last post?
(Sent 3/18/16 1:57pm)
Michelle: oh um
Michelle: are you sure you want to know
Michelle: well
Michelle: you need to promise that you won't tell anyone
Michelle: literally
(Sent 3/18/16 2:13pm)
Me: yea what is it
Me: it doesn't even matter if you tell me your secretly part of the KKK I'll listen
(Sent 3/18/16 2:22pm)
Michelle: um
Michelle: well
Michelle: my name isn't Michelle
Reading that my heart dropped to my asshole .
Michelle?: my wife's name is Michelle
Michelle?: I'm a guy
(Sent 3/18/16 2:27pm)

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