Chapter 28: The Chaos

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We live in a rainbow of chaos.

-Paul Cezanne

Coco Spencer's POV

I heard my mobile phone sounded on the coffee table. I looked at the name on the screen and ignore it. This was the sixth incoming call from Leila Salazar. I don't want to talk to her I was sure her phone call was all about the divorce which I don't want to talk about.

The phone went silent again after moments of ringing but not so long it sounded again. Releasing an angry sighed I took the phone and answered it. "Leila."

"About time you answer your phone, Coco." I heard her say on the other line. She sounded distressed but I might be thinking too much.

"If you called me about my divorce with Rafe then I'm very sorry but I don't want to talk about my divorce," I informed her coldly. I didn't want her to start with her talk and tried to change my mind about it. "I'm sure by today our divorce was already a common knowledge in Ragusa."

"I'm afraid that's correct." Leila reflected on the other line. "You cannot keep any secret in this little old town of Ragusa. The air has ears everywhere. But I didn't call you to talk about the divorce. I fear that my news is far more distressing. I knew if he had his way he doesn't want you to know this but believe you have the right to know."

"What?" I asked in confusion, frowning I sat on the sofa. "You are not making any sense, Leila. He? Who are you talking about?"

"Rafe," Leila answered shortly, and then my heart constricted in my chest upon hearing his name. "I regret to inform you that Rafe had been kidnapped in front of his office a few hours ago. Someone saw him being forced inside the SUV with the kidnappers."

My heart missed a beat. I could swear the world had stop from spinning. My mouth went dry at her news. "That's not a good joke, Leila. Tell me you are just kidding. You are not funny."

"I'm afraid I'm telling you the truth." She replied regretfully.

Just like that my world collapse right before my eyes. This could not be happening, I told myself silently. My heart couldn't bear the thought of him in danger I would die if something bad happened to him. "H-have you called the police? What did they say?"

I heard Leila sighed deeply. "They say that they can't declare him missing unless he's been gone missing for twenty-four hours."

"What kind of rule is that!?" I burst angrily, by now my eyes were blurred by tears. "We need to find him with or without the authority."

"My father's men are already searching for him." She informed me gently. But that's not enough for me. I want to be there to personally talk to the Sicilian cops and take this matter seriously. "I have one man in mind that had a knack in finding a missing person. It's a good thing that he's already in Sicily with the gang but I can't contact him."

I frowned at her words. "Who are you talking about?"

"Marco Orsini." She said with such pride. "He has a good reputation in finding missing persons. He's in town for a boys' night out with Lucca, Nikos, and Leandro."

"Good," I said without even thinking. "I will fly to Sicily right now." I disconnected the phone call and run to my bedroom and pack my clothes. Tears steaming in my cheeks but I brushed them away. Oh God, please don't let anything happened to Rafe. I couldn't bear it if... I couldn't forgive myself for not telling him how much I love him.

I love him with all my heart and I was so stupid to let my jealously get the best of me. Now I was not even sure if I could tell him personally how much I love him. But I'm begging the Almighty to give me a chance to amend my mistake with the man I love.

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