Welcome /)////(\

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Hello! And welcome

FIRST!! Let's get some basics down about my art!
1. My style is a bit of a mix of cartoon and realism
2. I draw traditionally and don't know how to work digital...
3. I will allow you to draw my persona of course just tag me in it so I can see the beautiful work!
4. I don't allow criticism
5. My coloring skill isn't a 10 I would say a 4
6. Every Friday I will take 5 requests...
7. Requests take me a long time for me to do, cuz of procrastination. Just ask kiwi_the_frog
8. Please no hate in the comments everyone is entitled to their own opinion but please keep it to yourself.

Pencil Perfect! NOT!!! (Art book)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat