My english project that im writing on here

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My hobbies/interests

My favorite hobbies are drawing, figure skating, playing guitar, and reading.

Starting off, reading is actually really fun! I have been reading the biography of Alexander Hamilton (because I'm basically trash Ham4Ham), Alex and Eliza a love story, The Children of Eden, and a few other books.

Playing guitar is one of the longest hobbies I have been doing. I have been playing

(Not supposed to be taking picture rn but here's Cocotaco14 in my English class)  guitar for 5/6 years

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Not supposed to be taking picture rn but here's Cocotaco14 in my English class)
guitar for 5/6 years. I am starting to teach someone guitar this year!

Figure skating is a relatively new hobby. I loved it ever since I was really little, but, I just now got really serious with it. I am getting lessons now which I find is super fun!

Drawing is actually what I do best. I'm not the best at anatomy but it's still fun. I love drawing because it relaxes me a lot!

So that's like most of my English project that I get to write in class so there you go

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