As I wake up i hear my parents yelling at eachother and then i hear heavy footsteps coming to my room. My door flies open and my dad walks in screaming at me to get my ass out of bed, like fuck could this day get any worse. As usual I was right about the day getting worse, he pulls me out of my bed by my feet and throws me against the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ignorant, vicious, vile, obscured man, you can go rot in hell for all I care!!! Your not my dad and you never will be all you are is an asshole who cares about any but himself," I yelled at him pushing my way past him.

"Rose you fucking bitch why don't you leave and never come back it's not like we love you so just go," he slurs back to me as I run out the door.

As I run tears fall down my face and my vision is non existent and all I could thing about is I have no where to go. What is a 16 year old gonna do out on the streets? But I run I keep running until I can't run anymore.

I am found a few hours later by police but they don't take me home they take me to the station where my case worker awaits. I guess my adoptive parents told them they didn't want me anymore. She then ask me why I am crying and why I have bruises everywhere.

I spill everything out to her and tell her why I ran. I couldn't take anymore of the damage done to me and didn't want to go back. She then took me to her house to get cleaned up and to start finding me a new placement. I just pray I get my hearts desire if a loving family who actually cares. At the end of the day she takes me to her place so I have somewhere to sleep until I'm placed in my new family.

"Rose, come and eat some food okay," my case worker calls.

I walk downstairs and ask what's for supper and she says spaghetti my favorite. After supper I got back upstairs and get ready for bed because there's a busy day tomorrow.

Chapter 2 of The Beaten and the Damned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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