Borderline Porn

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You entered the living room. You found Oliver. You grind your teeth slightly, swallow your pride, and approach him. "Hey Ollie, I need advice." You state. The Brit quirks an eyebrow. "On?" He asked, with a small grin. "How does one go about telling a disgusting, unforgiving, barely an excuse for a human being that he loves him?" You ask. Only to receive a gasp from Oliver. And suddenly the boy was grinning like the madman he was. "I knew it! I knew you liked Francois! Allan! MatthIEU!! __ LIKES FR-"

Before the strawberry-blonde boy could finish, you shoved him against a nearby wall, your hand covering his mouth. His feet barely touched the ground, your other hand holding him up, a bunch of his shirt fabric gathered tightly in his fist. "I dare you to yell another fucking word about it." You stated menacingly. Oliver held up his hands in defeat. Of course, this was the scene that the other three members of the home walked in on. "Another word about what?" Allan asked out of curiosity. 

You shoved Oliver off to the side, and turned to face the others. "Nothing. It was about nothing." You replied, quickly eyeing Francois. Matthieu noted your glance, and nodded to himself. It was probably about that.

Now you decided to take things into your own hands. You didn't need advice. You were a big boy. You could deal with this. You grit your teeth. You couldn't believe you were about to do this. You stepped up to Francois. There was a pause. You were considerably shorter then him. He glared down at you. You grabbed him by the collar. Meanwhile Allan was still quiet confused as to what was going on. If they were gonna fight, that would be hilarious.

You forcefully pulled Francois down so that the tips of your noses were touching. "I don't hate you as much as you think I do." You stated in a whisper, pressing your lips hard against his. Francois seemed to be taken aback by the action, but he quickly began to mirror your action, much more roughly then you had started. You pulled away for a moment. "In fact, I'm pretty sure I love you, douchebag."

Now believe me when I say, the other three second player nations in the room were shocked to say the least, when Francois replied with, "Je' t amie trope, idiot,". And with that, you were smashed against the wall forcefully, with a loud bang, causing picture frames to fall from their places. Not that You, nor Francois really cared. At this point, Oliver was scrambling out of the room. Maybe Allan would stay, now that he knew what was going on. Maybe he'd watch. No. That would be perverted. Of course who said he wasn't-

A/N: Apologies for this chapter being short. I like to give smut an entire chapter <3

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