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'Castle Den' my favorite tavern in our small city of Paresi. You see,Paresi was a small city but the richness in this so called small city was just ubelievable. Most of the richness came from the biggest, I mean the only copper producing company in the country, PCC- Peresi Copper Company-. Coffee, tea, among other vegetables was also Paresis' exports. The small city had almost everything. On that day, I was at my favorite tavern, sitted at my usual seat-next to the main entrance door- taking my obvious Rum McDowell's. The whole story behind this particular tavern being my favorite spot is all because of this particular bar maid whom I so much admire; yea she has the sexiest body I had ever seen!! It was this size eight, perfectly shaped and a bigger behind. I would always drink too much but never too drunk to notice that bubbling behind.
It's a Saturday afternoon, in Paresi there is nothing much going on on such a day, actually it's the whole weekend and weekends starts on Friday. Paresians believe that the whole concept of a 'weekend' is actually to relax, regain lost calories from the previous week, while preparing for the coming week! Most people prepare it in all kinds of ways; drinking at lical taverns, going out for cinemas, visiting the zoos and children play grounds, others prefer it to be kind of a lovers affair, I actually prefer visiting my usual tavern for the obvious reasons. For a single guy like me, who just graduated, you wouldnt expect much considering the fact that most of my time is consumed by my new intern job at the Copper Company.

On a Saturday afternoon, the den is usually crowded, the tavern is like an old Russian-opulence built by some one who had pribably watched alot of KGB an Russian intelligence movies too many times. At the right corner next to the counter is a couple who seems like they are out for a date, well it's funny how you can come for a date in such a crowded place full of 'drunken masters' who are yapping all kinds of obscene words all over, nit caring who is listening. Like next to the couple are three drunks who seem to be in a heated conversation about politics- pilitical conversations alcohol dont end up soo well- and it seems like they are pissing off a group of college students next to my table. Apparently, the drunks are arguing that the mayor of the city Mr. Fairwell ia a good for nothing glutton who is literally eating Persians money with his sissy clowns. Who are these clowns you ask? The police Commissioner, Big Billy; The city's Accountant, Madam BossSholei; The vice mayor, who happens to be the mayor's brother, Mr.GoodJhonson.
"Fairwell is a good for nothing, pot belled, who should be voted out of office come next election,together with those clowns in his office. How do we just be the ones doing all the labor and those pigs are up there fattening their bellies, taking their kids to expensive colleges while our kids are out there with us chasing the paper! I hate em all!!" One drunk angrily lamented.
"Hold your horses Eugene, the next election is due four years from now, I think what we should do is, we should demonatrate for a vote of no confidemce to the mayors office, and as a democratic city a re-elwction is there by due!" Well this one seemed informed, the third drunk was more of a yes-man, I thought. Abruptly one of the college students stands up holding her drink on the right hand while hushing the drunks with her left hand, and gave them a piece of her mind,
"You keep taking about the honourable Mayor and his office as if you dont habe the least respect for the mayor. You are just hopeless drunks who already drunk their money to their last coin, and now all you can do is find someone to blame for your misery, but hey! The person you all should be blaming your useless good for nothing self! So zip it andbcontinue drinking to your misery. CHEERS!!" Wow! I love that girl!
"Whom do you think you are bitch! Did the mayor send you or are you one of his bastard kids trynna gain his favour by standing up for him!?" Eugene the drunk retaliate. That statement seemed to have pissed the girl soo much that she didin't say anything back to Eugene.

By now the tavern was much peaceful, actually all you could hear is the mumbbling and the reggae music playing. Suddenly, chaos! The girl who just had an argument with the drunks, grabs a glass full of what looked like white wine and washed her friend all over her face , and before anyone could get a grip of what was going on, she pics a Smirnoff vodka bottle and pours all the vodka to a fellow sited next to her and just like the previous victim he does nothing. She is definatly the girl mamma always warned me about. I thought. Then as expected, she gives them the Bossy attitude;
"You two good for nothing pieces of crap! How dumb did you think i was? You, you call yourself my bestie? My familia? And you, you call yourself my boyfriend? You disgust me. I just can't blieve I was that stupid! But then we all make mistakes right?!" She shows them the middle finger and just like that she sits on my table!
"Hey" i shyly responded. I could smell her lilac cologne heating up already. Who is this beautiful girl anyway?
"Don't judge me, am not a drama queen, it's just that those two are just pieces of crap, I wish I would have done worse. Am so angry right now, I mean it hurts knowing that your boyfriend is sleeping with your cousin! I mean who does that?" And she starts crying. I move my chair next to her's and starts cuddling her,
"Hey, dont cry, it's not like it's the end of the world. You know what they say? Youbwill have to kiss a lot of frogs before you kiss your Mr. Right! Am sorry cheer up, for the little time i have known you, i think you way too strong, brave and dont give a fuck about what people think about you. That's something I like!"
"He He He where do they say that, the frong thing? Its funny but I feel much better now, thanks, you really are sweet. Bella, it's my name"
"Asssd, with a double S"
"Plesure, Assad with a double S, lemmi buy you a drink, whatchu drinking?"
"Rum, McDowell's"
"How about another bottle me and you?"
"I like that plan!"
I liked this girl she was cute, intelligent, brave, and she is buying me a drink, I mean whats not to like about her?
"Assad, what happens at the end of the night lets never talk about it, please?"
"Well that depends"
"If I will have won this war before you get yo drunk to think straight!"
"You have thirty minutes or less before my reasoning becomes impairef" she concludes as she confirms on her SO&CO wrist watch that had a stainless steel mesh bracelet. This girl had taste too. I like...
After the bar maid had served us with the drink an now she was getting back to the counter i couldn't help but stare at that behind!
"Someone has a fetish foe BBW girls, so tell me, do you think her behind is bigger than mine?" Bella just caught me an now she wanted a comparison?
"I haven't seen yours yet" i said,
"Would you like to see it?"
"Sure, why not"
"You wanna see it here or somewhere else private?"
"Private is better, I love privacy, it's my thing"
"Gatch you! Hold your horses soldier, you gat alot to do and show before you win the war"
"Damn!" I thought I had that!

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