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We were half way with the run and I was pretty sure by now that, even though I don't get the chancebto win the war today, I will have a second chance next time. Bella was looking rather tipsy and I was like,
"I bet you cannot stand by one foot!" You know how cops stop a suspecting DUI driver and asks them to either walk on a straight line or stand still on one leg, well something like that.
"50 bucks says I can and you can't" well this was getting interesting. Immediately she said that she withdrew her fifty from her clutch and stood to tale the test. Just as she was trying to lift one leg, she tripped and almost fell but some guy helped her up.
"Am sorry sir, i dint mean to. And thanx" she apologised,
"No worries, just dont get too drunk already, there is alot today!" He said as he helped her with her chair.

Something was definatly wrong with this guy, don't get too drunk, there ia alot today? What did he mean by that. Something elso wrong with this guy was the fact that this guy seemed lost, lost as in he didn't seem to be in the right place. First this guy was huge, he visited the gym quite often, he had this mustache that looked more of Hitler's. He wore a black European-cut suit, a blue Armani stripped shiry and a golden tie. On his wrist he spotted a Rolex. He also wore a black cowboy's hat that made him look like the 80s mob bosses.

After he had helped Bella with the chair, he asked whether he would sit with us, and juat like that, he joined us. Today seemed one of those days where everyone wants to be around me, whats really is going on?
"Am Bronson, Charles Bronson"
"Am Assad and she is Bella"
"Pleasure to me make your aquintance" he said. As Bronson was ordering his double scotch, Bella gave me this look that, she was not comfortable with this Bronson guy. This Bronson guy really looked strange, apart from the mustache, he had these crazy eyes. One eye was deep blue and the other one was black! And i had that feeling about him that was not right. I didn't like him either. I mean i enjoyed Bella's company, but this guy, no thank you.

"Assad right? In the next ten minutes, I need you to go to the bar tender and tell her to lock all the doors and keep everyone in. No one is to leave I will be incharge by then!" He checked his rolex an winked at Bella. I looked at Bella whom by now seemed more aleart and a little drunk. Why lock the doors? Why is that no one is to leave? What does this Bronson guy wants with a couple of drunks? Does he want to rob ua or hold us hostage? But why? I wasn't getting skittish, I was just thinking about the worst - case scenario.
"Times up Assad, I think you have something to do right?" He was abit calm while talking, he seemed as though he enjoyed all this. I hesitated because i thought he was just messing with me.
"You see Assad, it's very unrespectable when an older person tells you to do something and you ignore. Are you disrespecting me Assad?"
"You serious about this?" What i got as a response was these two guns he removed, one from his waist and the other one from his left jacket pocket. Shit was getting real i thought.
"This is an old 38 Smith and Wesson police special. It's a high performance automatic wepon but sometimes they jam, this other one is a basic revolver, which is less likely to go click-click when you want to hear bang-bang! And its going to go bang-bang on you and everyone who will disrespect me!" He said, this time, more agitated. I did not require any other motivation, so i just left.

Sometimes the world can be so unfair, just when I thought I had met the girl of my dreams, the unthinkable happens. I walked past the drunk men whom by now were just mumbbling and sipping to their drinks, the couple was still peaceful and still cuddling, everthing seemed cool at this part of the tavern. It's so sad that all these people are having a good time not knowing what's instore foe them. I got to the barmaid, passed on the message and told her not to disrespect the guy who sent me, but she wasn't taking any bullshit from anybody. And just to emphasis on her authority she ahouted out loud,
"Tell whoever, that the doors closes when i say so, and anyone can leave at their on pleasure!" Sadly Bronson heard her and just like that it was bang-bang! for her. Blood was allover the counter, some of it was allover the drinks on the display, it looked really horrible, the barmaid's dead body lay just next to me. I wuldnt move, i felt as if the world had stopped, what i saw was totally sad for the barmaid. I felt so sorry for her and very soon, this tarvern i will not be visiting anymore.

The tavern was so chaotic, it looked like those bull fighta in Western Kenya. People were screaming out loud, thd couple was now holding each other tighter than before, the drunk men seemed more scared than everyone in the tavern, Bella was already at my side, holding me so tight that i could feel her heart beat. I held her and promised her all will be well even though I did not have thay guarantee.
"Listen everyone, this is officially a hostage situation. So lets all return to our respective sits, continue having fun and if u run out of drinks, you can serve yourself, after all the barmaid is nolonger with us! Everyone hurried to their sits, Bella and i retured to our table and still held hands together. Now I know why Bronson said to Bella not to drink alot, or Not!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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