The letter.

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Me and Luke Summers had been friends since we were just 10 years old, I'm now 19 years old and I hadn't heard from him in three years till now.

December 25th, 2001.

Dear Alexis, how have you been? It's been what? Three years since I last saw you. I hope you're doing well, and that you're not still up to your old tricks. I know we don't talk anymore and for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting our friendship go to waste, and I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance you deserved and I'm sorry for leaving when you needed me the most. I'll be back soon, did you want to catch up?

Love always, L. xx

I put the letter back into its envelope and hold it close to my chest. Three years since we last spoke to each other, three years since we'd seen each other and I still loved him. I loved him more and more everyday. Photos of us are scatted all around my bedroom walls, reminding me of the love that was never meant to be and somehow, someway, he still had me wrapped around his little finger. He still had me chasing him after NINE years. Nine years I've had a crush on this boy.

Dead Luke, I've been doing okay I guess. I started my new medication the other day, the one I was supposed to start just before you moved away. If when you say up to my old tricks you mean going to parties, drinking and having meaningless sex with strangers because no one wants someone that's as messed up as me, then yes. How have you been? I hope you're doing well wherever you are now. I miss you a lot Luke and I really wish you'd just come home and stay, instead of going away. When are you back?

Love always, A.

I ran, and I ran as fast as I could to get to post office before it closed. It's already five pm and it closes at ten past. I walk inside.

"Hey Judy, can you quickly post this letter out to Luke for me?" I ask Judy, I've known Judy my whole life. Me and Luke used to live down the road from eachother but sent letters to eachother for fun. Judy smiles at me and takes the precious envelope out of my hands.

"Alexis my dear, how have you been?" Judy asks while smiling.

"I've been good Judy, but I've gotta run again. Express postage would be great." I sing out to Judy as I run out without saying a proper goodbye.

I make my way home and climb the three flight of stairs to my apartment that I haven't been in for years. I have really bad social anxiety and there are so many people around this building that it isn't funny. I moved out of home when I was sixteen with Luke, we were together at the time.

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