"Your Priceless"

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[Hey Guys! This is going to be my new project called "Priceless Lives" This story will go through a range of moods, such as happiness, sadness, and lots more. I hope you all enjoy!]

[Please Note: these chapters do not have a precise date that they have to be uploaded, the chapters will be released to my viewers randomly, thanks.]

As I lay in my stone cold bed, the most uncomfortable bed there could ever possibly be, I look at the clock...2 a.m. Where the fuck is Nick? I think to myself. I go downstairs to see if he is there, nothing...nothing at all. I run into the kitchen, and stay still for a second and listen, I had the same reply...nothing. As I am about to take one step forward, I hear the sound of water, drips...it's not raining, or wet at all outside. Then I hear it again, drip after drip after drip, it sounds familiar to me, and hen it comes to me, the bathtub, it makes that noise once you switch the water off, I need to get that fixed. But then I think, who the hell is in my bathroom, either taking a bath, or have taken a bath. I go to my kitchen counters and opens a random one, while still looking at the door, I could turn my back and it could be right there, ready to do whatever it wants to me, I couldn't take my eye of the door...not until I knew what was in there.

As I felt around my counter shelves, I pull something heavy out, I quickly look at it...a saucepan, it will do I guess. I place it in my right hand, to release the strain from my left one. Then I slowly take one step closer, then closer, and closer, until I get to the bathroom door. I have a bad feeling about this, my conscious is telling me to leave, to run out of the back door, for safety. My gut is churning, twirling around in loops, making me feel sick. A sweat drop, drips from my forehead, down to my cheek, I wipe it off and count myself down to open the door and smack whatever the fuck is in there. Ok, 3, 2, 1, now!

I barge in and raise my saucepan ready to attack, but it looks like something already has attacked the place. I look at the water in the bath, it's blood red, I see a figure in the bath, no, it can't be, can it? I go forward dreading that this figure will be who I thought it would be. Nick? God no, why? Nick was floating in the bath, frozen cold and dead. There was a bloody knife right next to him, the knife was used as a paper-holder, to weigh down a piece of paper, which was on the corner of the bathtub, why the fuck did you do this? I say while shaking him, to try to get him to wake up, however, I already know inside that he's gone.

I glance across at the sheet of paper, the knife is covered in blood, Nick is wounded in the stomach, arms, legs...everywhere basically! My hands, shaking, lifted he bloody knife to release the paper, I picked up the blood soaked letter, my hands were covered in blood, but right now, I couldn't care less, I just wanted him back. I moved the paper closer to my face so I could read it, it was hard to read due to the ink had mixed with the blood, it looked like the watercolour painting Nick had made for me when we first started dating, what was the painting he made? I think, he had drawn our first date, the setting of where it was, the accuracy of the view we saw, the sunset, but what was the most amazing things, is what he said to me, we had hiked this trail leading to God knows what, he wanted to surprise me where we were going, it was this huge hill, overlooking the ocean, the water was clear, however, it looked bright blue. It was sunset, the orange, pink sky overlooked us as we lay down to admire it. He stared at me and I stared at him, he held my hand and whispered to me "your priceless." I shook my head, only two words were on the bloody letter, I knew what them words were before I could actually read it...it read "your priceless."

I huddled in the corner, sobbing. My head buried into my knees, what do I do now? I want to be with him, anywhere, wherever he is, I want to be by his side, holding his hand, reminding me of our first date.

"Charlotte?" A gentle voice says, I automatically know who it is? He wraps his arms around me, I suddenly feel warm, and there is no fear left at all, although, I am still sobbing. "It was just a nightmare Charlotte. Don't worry, I know you don't like me leaving you when you have nightmares, I'm here, by your side...I'm not going anywhere." I look around the area, my eyes squinting, I was in bed, none of that ever happened. I turn to see Nick's face, his gorgeous chiselled cheekbones and face structure, his eyes, a gentle, warm brown colour. I moved my hands and combed it through his short, styled, brown hair, and I instantly stop crying. He's here, I say to myself in my mind, and he's not going away. All that night he wraps his arms around me, comforting that awful nightmare away from me, he doesn't know what my nightmare was, but I know that he could tell that is wasn't good. I turned, to look at him, one more time before I fell asleep, he smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. 

[I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of "your priceless." This chapter is only setting the base of the story down, I have way more plans for this story. Find out by adding this book to your library, to keep track on when I release a new chapter of "your priceless." Thanks for reading, bye!]

-Amy xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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