chapter 1

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Shanice P.O.V

When I was a child my father use to use me to get money for him because he was too lazy to work and when I say get money for him I mean he would let men rape me and beat me ; and when he goes out with his lazy ass to find a girl and did not get one he would come home and rape me most while he would tie me on his bed my hands to the bed head and my feet to the top part of the bed face and push his thing in my area and if I scream cry or shout he would slap me in my face. But now the only reason why is hurts is because I just turned 13 a month ago, but he did not care I would cry and cry but what was the use he only did it worse than how he was doing it until one day some one came to rape me again he said to me comon strip I said strip yah ass as I turned around then I felt someone holding my neck it was the man he said look here mommafucker I want that fucking pussy I twisted out of his hand and spat in his face. He then pushed me down on my bed took off my skirt and my underware and stuffed his hand in my area as I screamed out with tears coming from my eyes he slapped me in my face again. Then after two hours he stopped and left I dragged some clothes on and began looking if my father was home but he was not home so I went in to his room and took all the money I saw well It was all the money he had but I had no heart for him so I took it and left. Then as I left out I saw him on the right crossing to the side that I was on so before he reached I walked back down and cross and then I got a taxi I went to Mc Donals and then went to my aunts house but when I knocked on the door she was not there so I went to a club like I had anywere else to go but then again I said to my self I might be home less and an orphan because my dad is dead to me but am much happier in my possession. So I left off for the club at the club I sat down wondering if my life is going to be like these girls dancing on poles and then again I said yes that's how the rest of my life will be maybe just until i get atleas two hundred thousand dollars and I won't go back to my father never ¤ the I went to the manager of the club and told him I want to work here he said ok show me what you got I had no idea what to do but earlier I saw a girl dancing so I did what she did turned around two time made a split and then jumped up on the pole and wined down he said ok that was good I said thanks he said only a couple questions about three I said ok but hoping he would not ask about my age but if he did I would have to say fifteen because I look know older then he said your age I almost cried but I said fifteen I laughed and said why did I came here and not any other club I said this is the only one I am aware of he said ok then he asked why am I not in school I said because my father won't't send me my mother is dead and my father again is using me for a sex slave he said ok you got the job but you start tomorrow I said thanks and left i then went to a hotel and got a room but only for a year I got to stay there so long because I told her my problems. Then I went to the grocery store to get some food I bought a thousand dollars worth of food. Then I took a taxi back to the hotel and unpacked my food in the cupboard then I fried an egg and franks and ate it with bread like a sandwich with some fruitpunch the sat in the sofa and watched tv. Then after two hours I heard a knock on the door then I got up and went to door and peeped through the peep hole to see my father I moved over to the phone and called the police but before they have reached he went away then couple minutes later they arrived I told them what happened and told them who and how the person who came to the door, they said ok if he comes back let us know I said ok and then they left i went to the kitchen and made some tea drank it and went to bed the next day I got ready and went to work.

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