The one thing I couldn't hold back was the exploding. I was simply fascinated by the fact that eyes could cause accidents, injuries. I could easily look at something and kill something. Call me evil, but I was only fascinated.
See, it took a good two years to get to Planet Earth, so why not enjoy my Earth life? I know I was supposed to be out spying on a city from the sky, but I couldn't quite make myself do that yet. After all those annoying textbooks on the way, why not have some fun? No harm in having fun, right?
My "parents" are a male and female from Planet Kabre. They were sent to see how life was in Earth. They also had to study the annoying books, but at a different level. They didn't come with any powers or gifts. They simply just volunteered to do it. In fact, they were one of the first volunteers to want to go to Earth. So, with them being experienced and all, the Planet Kabre Council chose them as my parents. I'm not saying I didn't like them, but they were too strict. So that gives me even more reason to enjoy myself.
As I walked down the sidewalks of Los Angeles, I had a craving to destroy something; to create an explosion. And you just can't ignore a feeling, can you? I lived sort of in the "country", if you could call it that, of Los Angeles. Not many people around, a small little off-town. Perfect for me. No one cared enough if a few people died here and there, did they?
I pushed my sleek black Ray Bands further against my face, pulled my hood up around my face, and took out one of my earphones. I paused my iPod, and stopped walking. I listened for something; anything. A rush of wings, a bicycle horn, the whooshing of a car passing. Just when I was getting restless, I heard the sound of a car coming. I quickly shoved my iPod into my jeans pocket and put my earphone back in. I slowly started walking, the sound of my heeled shoes clicking against the cement.
The car was a good forty, fifty feet away, and I couldn't wait any longer. I felt the rush of fire behind my eyes come to life. The flames licked my eyes, lifting above and below my sunglasses. My skin didn't even sizzle. I continued walking, and the car continued coming. It was about thirty, forty feet away now. Perfect timing.
I fisted my hands over and over, relaxing the muscles. The flames around my eyes were licking my hairline and nose now. I stared at the car so hard every ounce of me concentrated. Nothing could distract me. I was like an owl finding its prey in the night.
Suddenly, a loud boom sounded about fifteen feet away. I blinked and the flames rushed away. I laughed a malicious laugh. I had succeeded. The car had blown up and there was flames licking nearby trees and grass, creating little explosions every so often. And I was in the middle of it. I walked slowly through the fire, appearing through the bright orange flames surrounding my body. Not one flame touched me. They simply leaned away from me as I passed them. And when I was gone, they closed up quickly behind me.