Prologue: Don't be silly there are no bears in England

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It was cold that night, bitterly cold. The moon glowed brightly in the night sky, like a beacon lighting the way for weary travellers desperate to return home from the cold. One of the travellers, a young girl, could be seen walking quickly down a cobbled path. The young girl wrapped her red coat firmly around her shivering frame whilst pushing her numb fingers deep inside her pockets. She ducked her chin to her neck after another sharp wind stung her flushed face.

Looking above to the glistening stars, she released a yawn. She had worked hard today, waitressing wasn't as easy as it looked. Especially with dirty blokes and cocky teens trying to get a peak down her shirt, passing a vulgar comment or two about her 'big t!ts'. All the while she has to keep a smile on her face. The girl scowled, What she wouldn't give to let them have a piece of her mind. She’d tear them in two. A kick to the balls should do. Of course she'd need to grow a pair herself to do such a thing.

Scoffing and shaking her head, she missed her footing on a cobbled brick and stumbled. Quickly correcting herself she nearly missed the sound of a twig snapping.

Her head snapped up as fast as the lightning that suddenly struck the sky.

Oh no, grandma.

Another twig snapped, she swung towards the sound. Fear crept upon her as the rain trickled down. The sound had come from the woods. Across from her, she saw the canal that separated the woods from her and all the woodland creatures. It was surprising that she could even hear the sound.

Again a twig snapped or maybe a branch? However what woodland creature from England that could snap large branches? A fox? A bear? No, don’t be silly there are no bears in England.

The sound of rustling came nearer and she stood staring, frozen in place. The rustling became quitter as the blood roaring in her ears became louder. Oh she was a fool to have taken the short cut down the canal bath. Her grandma was going to kill her. Unless of course whoever or whatever making its way through the dark and tall trees killed her first.

Suddenly the noises stopped. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and squinted into the darkness. Her breath caught. Her eyes widened and her body stilled.

A monster. A monster stood amongst the sinister trees. Completely blending in with the night apart from two yellow feline eyes. Eyes that shone, reflecting the moonlight. Those eyes narrowed on the girl. A growl ripped through the night air.

She ran. Heart pounding, blood pumping the girl ran as fast as her short legs could carry her. Her legs screamed in agony and her lungs burned for oxygen. Yet terror and adrenaline urged her on. That and the sound of heavy paws.

Did you like that? I'm not to sure I hate reading my own work :P Anyway I've finally decided to do this story properly, the idea has been floating in my head for donkeys! and I just want to complete because I get bored with stuff very easily. Any imput would be fantastic because I know I'm not the best author :) Until next time! 

Ell x

p.s Some pictures of canal paths incase you need some help with visualising haha 


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