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A Desolate World

Eternal darkness, this is all I know. As I float through it. Not with a body but merely as a consciousness, a trait of thought. I do not know my name, or if I

Had a name, an age or anything of that sort.

I slowly drift the empty world trapped in my void of thought. I know not of anger or fear, nor sadness

Or joy. All I can feel is calmness.

Once in awhile, off in the distance I can hear a faint lullaby on a piano. Upon the thought of the lullaby I start to hear it faintly. Slowly growing louder. It grows louder and louder until the sound feels less than 5 feet away. A final note is played lingering as the darkness flashes a dark blue. I feel the sensation of falling the blue fades to black.

The falling stops, the piano stopped, everything stopped like time was frozen. I look around and realize I'm now in a room like structure. Walls all around me but no door. A small table in the middle of the room and one window. I drift towards the window and look out. Again blackness fills my eyes. I stare deep into the darkness.... Slowly figures take shape outside the window. Cherry blossom trees appear before me. Blossoms falling five centimeters per second. For the first time i can see bright colors'. I quickly turn around and see the room filled with color. The table a bright brown. Silver lining along the window. I feel hope. I finally have another feeling. I turn to the window and look at the blossoms. I stared and stared as they fell watching amazed. Then i notice the blossoms still in the tree singe and catch fire. The outside sky fills with smoke as i fill with fear and sadness. Quickly the trees burn approaching the room. I turn around to realize the room is on fire. Beams from the roof fall smashing on the ground before letting out a loud pop, i back into a corner and look up. The sight caused me great fear. A beam on fire, just as i noticed it It fell i let out a loud scream. Right before it slams into my face everything goes black, everything disappears once more. Again i drift through darkness. Losing all feeling but calmness. The only conclusion I have for these events are That I have died, these are memories from a past life. I begin to ponder that thought, is this purgatory? Is this Hell? Is that all death is? Is drifting through darkness haunted by images truly Death? Is this how we end our pointless existence? Alone forever? Slowly and painfully the more I thought of this the more of a body I grew, first bones, then veins, then muscle and fat, it felt like I was slowly being stabbed then taking a finger and rubbing my muscle deep under my skin. Then skin looked like a burning piece of paper, slowly covering my body, I felt this pain, finally, it ended but the memory didn't, but I couldn't help but to smile. To laugh so hard my body hurt again. I finally have a body and I finally can experience feelings. I looked down to my fist and smiled before hurling it towards my face and into my chin. Pain surged through me and I began to laugh once more. "I can feel pain!" I shouted into darkness before realizing I can even talk. My mouth filled with blood, after I punched myself I must have bit my lip hard. I spat the blood into the darkness, but the blood was black. Blacker than the darkness surrounding it. I watched the blood float before swirling around and taking a shape of a body. The body looked just like me. This figure was completely black but with white bright eyes that illuminated the floor. "Surprise sleeping Beauty" The shape laughed at me and hurled its fist at me hitting me in my gut i spat up blood and fell back gasping for air. The figure stared at me emotionless. I stared back licking the blood from my lips like ice cream.it tasted like a iron coin a strong mettalic taste filled my mouth the more i consumed my blood. The figure bent down and struck me in the forehead. A huge headache occurred and i felt like i was going to die. With my little strength i hurled my fist into its throat. The figure grabbed its throat and fell back, i leapt to my feet and kicked the figure in its knee. Hearing a loud snap and a screech i laughed and hurled my leg into its chest throwing the figure back. I sat on its chest and repeatedly punched the figure in the face. Hearing teeth break and bounces snap the figure struggled to get me off. I grabbed its neck and squeezed as hard as i could. It hurled its fist into my face and held my arm. Repeatedly fighting and wiggling its body to get free until it slowed down and stopped moving completely. I stood up and started to laugh at the world, at myself, at everything that tried to take be down. I was unstoppable. The darkness faded and i closed my eyes.............. Hearing a loud bang i lifted my head, and to my surprise i'm in my normal classroom . It was just a dream. I painfull dream about a eternal inner struggle. Good vs evil.....my fight was over.... Im free from my hell. The bell rung and i stood up walking out of the room leaving my memories behind.

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