no. 14

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I awoke to Max barking at the door. I saw flashes of red and blue inside my house. There was pounding at the front door. I ignored it.

This is it, I thought.

Over a loud speaker, I heard a male voice boom through the house. 

"Margaret Fisher, please come out with your hands up."

I heard a scream come from downstairs. It was my girl.

Tears filled my eyes. They can't do this to her, they can't bring her back to the evil world. I ran downstairs, praying the police weren't already down there.

There she stood, by herself, in her cage. I sighed with relief as I ran towards her. She screamed at me, hate filled in her eyes. I stared back at her in disbelief. 

What? Doesn't she still love me? It didn't seem that way anymore.

I heard the voice again.

"Margaret, you have one minute, or we will come inside. Please come out with your hands up."

I sobbed. This wasn't supposed to go this way. We were supposed to be happy together, die together. We were going to be together forever. She isn't supposed to go back out there.

She hissed at me and backed up to the wall of her cage. 

In that moment, I felt completely helpless. I curled in a ball and sobbed, feeling sorry for myself.

Sorry for myself.

I went to hell and back to make sure this girl stayed safe. And what was I going to get? A bullet through my head.

But I wasn't about to let that happen. 

I ran to a drawer and pulled out a scalpel. I ran back over to the cage and heard a big crash coming from downstairs.

Adrenaline rushed through me and a thousand different thoughts ran through my head. 

I heard someone at the top of stairs, and I heard shuffles of feet run down. In no time, my basement was surrounded with men and women with bulletproof vests on and guns pointed on me.

Why was this such a big deal?

A voice in the crowd of them said, "Margaret, don't. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

I looked around, my face flushed. Tears filled my eyes and I pointed the scalpel at my temple.

"Margaret, please. Put it down and step away from Erin."

I shook my head. "You can't make me do anything."


"Shut up!" I yelled. "Let me talk."

Everyone was quiet, so I began.

"I tried protecting this girl. She is a wonderful human being, I didn't want the world to destroy her anymore. I tried so hard. Everything I did was to make sure she was healthy and safe. Can't you see that? She looks fine. I just wanted a normal life and I just wanted to make her safe. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

In that moment, nothing else was on my mind. I took the scalpel and shoved in it my temple. The last thing I heard were the sounds of Erin laughing hysterically and the gasps coming from the police officers.

I could finally find my peace.


wow, so i've been gone. i'm sorry for the bad updates. x.x

did you guys enjoy this, though? i love your feedback. <3 

i'm kinda sorry it ended this way, but it was better than the way you thought, right? maybe?

i've gone through so much in the writing of this, it's unbelievable. i feel like i'm leaving a part of me inside this writing, so i seriously hope you enjoyed it.

so, in the future...


if there did happen to be a sequel, all questions would be answered. it got kinda confusing towards the end, but i feel like i'd be able to answer anything.

i think i have a new idea in line for a totally different story, would you guys like that?

lemme know. (: i love you all so much.


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