♡ I could show you love, in a tidal wave of mystery - Shoey OneShot ♡

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I could show you love, in a tidal wave of mystery

I wrote this to honor the end of the first official shoeyweek. I love you guys and I hope you’re all still alive xx -Charlie

Summary: Shane is a hermit. Joey is a Youtuber. Shane is damaged and Joey is really good to him.

Warnings: same sex couple

A/N: A lot of fluff and absolutely zero smut.

3 Year old Shane, couldn’t understand why is Mom was always hurt, he didn’t know what kind of person his dad was. “Mummy, boo boo?” he asked pointing at his mother’s eye, red and swollen. “Don’t worry about it, honey” …always the same answer.  He saw how his brothers cried and tried to hide from his father. He did the same, he couldn’t understand what was going on, but he never felt save at home.

5 Year old Shane was worried. He knew that his dad was angry, very angry at his Mom. “Mummy, just be good to him so he won’t hurt you” he cried and looked into his mother’s eyes, they looked tired and sad. “Don’t worry about it, honey” his Mom hugged him and kissed his Nose “When Daddy comes home, go to your room and be quiet, if he asks you something, answer. Be a good boy, don’t make him angry, okay?” she sobbed.  Shane just nodded, she told him the exact same thing every night, be good, don’t make him angry.

7 year old Shane just started school, he was lonely. He didn’t like strangers. He didn’t like being outside his room. “In your room you’re safe.” That’s what his Mom always told him. He wanted to go back. During the break, Shane hid in the toilets. In class, he was doing his work as he was told to. He never raised his hand in class and every time his teacher said his name, he flinched. He avoided eye contact with everyone. When he came home, he went straight to his room. “Don’t talk to dad, if you say something wrong, he’ll hurt you” his brothers always said.

11 Year old Shane told is dad to stop. It was a big mistake. His dad punched his Mom in the stomach, Shane was crying in the corner of the room. “If your dad hurts me, don’t say anything.” His Mom taught him. But he couldn’t just watch any longer. “S-stop” he sobbed loudly. His dad stopped paying attention to his Mom and turned around to his son “What did you say, you worthless piece of shit?” Shane sobbed harder. “P-please do-don’t hurt h-her” he cried, pulling his knees up to his chest, trying to make himself as small as possible. His dad yanked him up by his collar. “No-“ Shane’s Mom shrieked.  And Shane felt his dad’s fist collide with his jaw. 

After 14 years of abuse Shane wanted to end it. His dad took his anger out on every single member of their family.  Every time he walked home and came across the highway he thought about jumping in front of a car, but he couldn’t. He needed to stand up for his mom. He didn’t care if his dad would hurt him instead; he wanted his mom to be save. The kids at school thought he was weird. There was a rumor that he couldn’t talk.  Shane didn’t have friends and he still hid in the toilets.

At the age of 15 Shane knew that there was something wrong with him. They had sex-ed in school and all they talked about was boys loving girls. Shane was confused. He read about so called “wet dreams” and realized he’d had them before. But his weren’t about girls, he dreamed about guys. When he got home and googled “boys dreaming about boys” he found out about homosexuality. He went to a strict Christian school, and he found out they were against it. No wonder they didn’t mention it.

At age 16 Shane came out to his family. He told his brothers first, they we’re shocked but they didn’t love him any less.  He never worried about his Mom, she loved him unconditionally and he wasn’t even nervous. “Mom, I like boys” the words rolled of his tongue so easily and he was also kind of proud of it. He was special. But his Mom reacted completely different than he imagined. Shane was damaged and suicidal before, but this… this was probably the point we’re he completely fell apart. “What?!” his mother whispered in disbelief. Shane frowned, and suddenly he was nervous “I’m gay, Mom” he breathed out.  His mother never looked this disappointed in her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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