Chapter 1 Demons!

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My hearts pounding as I hear a storm raging above me. There's blood dripping down my forehead. It stings like a swarm of bees who just struck a poor girls arm. I look behind me but it's still chasing me. It's been a day since my last snack! My belly is rumbling like a earthquake. I skid to a stop as I see a prickle of head hogs dart out in front of me. There's most swooping through the trees. I look up and I see a beautiful, bright, luxurious sky with dazzling stars. But, there's no time to waste. I hear voices echoing around me... It's.. It's.. A.... Demon... Demon ...  Demon. The noise and sounds of the best comes crashing into my head like a arrow to a target. But, then... Then.. Quiet. It felt like silence but not quite silent. Was I safe i wonder as I trip into the oozing mud. I panick now as I feel a cold shadow linger above me. I try to swim out but there was no hope! I feel a bite from a near by alpha wolf. I struggle and struggle but still can't get free! Hope.. Was lost.

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