February 9, 2015
Forget what I said earlier, he isn't acting sincere at all, he's been winking and smirking and being 'cutesy' towards everyone, Mickey, Angel, EVERYONE!! Ugh, who does he think he is, I can't let him hurt my friends, or, me... I'm not gonna fall for his act though, I can see right through him, he's just one of those guys who flirts with any girl who'll take it in and feel like it was directly for them. I'm going to protect my friends no matter what, he isn't going to date anyone of my friends here!!
Bai! P.s. I hope you like my drawing, I didn't listen to any music while writing this one.
- Rachel Parks....
Journal Of: Rachel Parks
Художественная прозаHere's Rachel's story! Every add-on will be of Rachel's playlist. Have fun reading!